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Project Management Software

Project management is a management task and, as a cross-sectional task, covers a wide range of topics. A project is a unique business process, for example the construction of a house. It consists of project definition, execution and project completion. Project management software supports this planning, execution and control of projects. During project execution, the adherence to deadlines and the progress in terms of content must be constantly checked. They are compared with the project planning. In addition to structured project execution, the software helps with the preparation of quotations, cost planning and optimization, among other things. If the project has a larger scope or a higher complexity, project management tasks can be divided and delegated.

Compare solutions for operational project management, network planning and project controlling in this current market overview. Using standardized program illustrations, you can evaluate software solutions for multi-project management, project time recording, capacity planning and resource management.

Are you looking for a suitable project management software?
show 1 to 20 (of 45 software programs)
Cobalt ToDo Manager for HCL Notes & Domino
Project and Task Management with HCL Notes & Domino
The Cobalt ToDo Manager takes over exactly those functions in the area of task management and project planning that are not covered by the too simple Lotus Notes internal ToDo list and by far too expensive professional project management solutions. Based on practical experience, a solution has been developed that can be used across all requirements and industries. It is neither too complex for customers with a project team of about 15 employees, nor too simple for customers with 150 project participants.
admileo - The system for modern, project-oriented business management
admileo is a comprehensive business solution for project management, product data management, tooling, organizational management and business administration. admileo enables the project management of all external and investment projects of a company and does so both efficiently and transparently. The complete portfolio, including archived and future projects, is mapped in customer-specific organizational structures. admileo maps all phases of project management.
Clarity PPM: Enterprise Software for Project and Portfolio Management
Clarity PPM for comprehensive operative and strategic project and portfolio management
Clarity PPM for comprehensive operative and strategic project and portfolio management Clarity PPM as software meets all requirements of operational and strategic PPM. The strengths include the combination of project, resource, financial and portfolio management as well as multi-project management. Clarity PPM offers extensive configuration options and can be optimally adapted to your individual requirements so that you get the maximum benefit from the application. Whether SaaS or as an on-premise solution. As the manufacturer's only Tier 1 partner in Germany and Austria and strongest partner in Europe, itdesign is the right address for you.
SO3 - Project Management & Engineering
Field-proven, future-oriented planning tool for plants and automation technology
Field-proven, future-oriented planning tool for plants and automation technology SO3 is designed for project management and engineering. The central plant layout supports you in communication. It schematically visualizes complex plants and is the central hub for all requirements, clarifications and discussions. All project participants can see the current project status in the layout with just a few clicks. As a project planning and documentation tool, SO3 generates electrical and fluid engineering Eplan documentation based on the layout data.
Odoo Enterprise
ERP software with a sense of proportion
ERP software with a sense of proportion The modular, scalable ERP software Odoo can be perfectly adapted to your exact operational requirements. We offer an ERP and the associated digitisation of your company from a single source, so that your digitisation process runs smoothly and error-free. Instead of individual software modules for sub-areas of your company, you get a system from a single source as required.
objectiF RPM
Your Holistic Solution for Requirements Engineering and Project Management Software
Your Holistic Solution for Requirements Engineering and Project Management Software objectiF RPM is the platform for your projects! Costs, deadlines, resources - these are the core topics of project management. However, projects are always different and objectiF RPM offers the option to map these projects using agile or even hybrid project management. Projects can be set up using a project template. In one step, the project structure, the initial project plan and everything the project teams need to work together can be set up.
Project Management
Complete resource management thanks to shift planning coupling
Complete resource management thanks to shift planning coupling Innosoft Project Management supports the management and processing of complex orders and projects. An overview of all projects helps with personnel planning or the scheduling of long-term construction sites. Resources can be assigned to the tasks, these assignments are displayed as bars in the resource planning. Innosoft Project Management supports you in graphical scheduling and capacity management. Important features of the project management solution include transfer from Innosoft Project to MS Project or MS Excel, capacity displays per workstation or workstation group, and much more.
The solution for project-oriented service companies
The solution for project-oriented service companies The prima software for project-oriented service providers includes intuitive performance recording, project planning including budgeting and planning of employee resources, project planning with Gantt charts, post-calculation of projects, project tracking with EVM (Earned Value Management) and real-time monitoring of project and employee data, for example.
Software for Project Management with Processes and Methods
Software for Project Management with Processes and Methods in-STEP BLUE is a project management solution for process-based management. It supports organizations and projects in all processes and in meeting compliance requirements. Various process methods are mapped, including Scrum, V-Modell XT, PRINCE2 and SPICE. Features for resource management, requirements management, test management, etc. are available.
Web-based complete solution for enterprise-wide project and portfolio management
Web-based complete solution for enterprise-wide project and portfolio management Sciforma Project and Portfolio Management is a powerful, adaptable and very easy-to-use all-in-one PPM solution. The software supports enterprise-wide and comprehensive visibility into all your projects and resources. The complete project lifecycle from ideation, capacity planning to project tracking is mapped by the software. In addition, with Workspaces you can design the views and workspaces individually and user-friendly as well as role-based for the actual needs.
The benchmark for professional resource management
The benchmark for professional resource management resSolution allows detailed planning of projects embedded in the context of the project portfolio. With resSolution, project managers have exactly the degree of freedom they need for efficient and practical planning of projects. Resource and project costs with differentiated cost rates for each resource and project can be mapped. If required, resSolution can be connected to your existing time recording systems or other third-party systems.
Project management for SharePoint
A new project is to be successfully managed and profitably concluded.
The project management solution is based on SharePoint. It allows you to plan, manage and monitor projects easily and with little training. A dashboard shows you directly which subtasks a project consists of and who is assigned to which task. The software includes scheduling and task planning, capacity planning, reporting functions, document management, KPIs and target-actual comparisons.
Project success with system - pm-smart SW is oriented towards IPMA and PMI standards!!!
Project success with system - pm-smart SW is oriented towards IPMA and PMI standards!!! Manage your complete portfolio of ideas and projects successfully and efficiently with pm-smart. From the idea and planning to project execution and invoicing, you will find all essential functionalities in pm-smart single and multi-project management. As a P-leader, you want time for the really important key factors: project content, project tasks and communication - that's where pm-smart helps!...
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar MSO Management-Software ist ein No-Code Framework zur Gestaltung von individuellen Lösungen zur Digitalisierung, Analyse, Auswertung und Steuerung von Strategien, Programmen, Projekten, Maßnahmen und Prozessen. Einfach, schnell, sicher, spezifisch, anwenderfreundlich :-)...
PLANTA Project - Agile and TRaditional Project Management
Agile, classical and traditional multi-project management
Agile, classical and traditional multi-project management PLANTA project lets you keep a perfect overview of dates, resources and costs of your projects. Plan and control your projects systematically and you are always up to date with regard to the current project status.
Project and Resource Planning made easy.
Project and Resource Planning made easy. A-Plan is an affordable and easy-to-use project management solution that is multi-user and multi-enabled and maps the essential features such as resource management, project controlling, document management and much more. Due to the flexible design of the software, it can also be used for project portfolio management, risk management and skills management. The software is compatible with MS Project.
Web-based (construction) project communication system with versatile module connection
Web-based (construction) project communication system with versatile module connection PKS NETPlan® is your internet-based system for project communication and management. It supports the consistent recording of all project information and enables you to control reliably and efficiently. The modular software with construction diary, document, protocol, contract and supplement management, plan administration as well as quality management is equipped with numerous practice-oriented functions for the construction and planning industry.
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects Projektron BCS – BCS stands for Business Coordination Software. Comprehensive functions – individual customizing – reliable technology. The web-based software Projektron BCS combines comprehensive functions for project management and ERP in a single solution and supports companies in the efficient planning, control and evaluation of their projects and resources. Whether in project planning, coordination or analysis after completion – Projektron BCS enables you to control all project phases easily and effectively and to always keep control over project progress, expenses and material costs ...
Field Service Management - Dispatch
Personnel deployment and geographic planning for the mechanical and plant engineering
Personnel deployment and geographic planning for the mechanical and plant engineering Innosoft Shift Planning supports project, shift and resource planning. Data on employees and work resources can be displayed graphically via deployment and capacity overviews and can also be changed. The features include the cost comparison of budgeted, planned and actual costs, machine data management, a maintenance tool incl. stored maintenance contracts with different maintenance intervals and much more.
myPARM - Multi-project management software
Operational and strategic project management with myPARM
Operational and strategic project management with myPARM myPARM is a project management solution for operational and strategic project management. Benefit from efficient project management and controlling without media discontinuity. Best-practice solutions by industry and project methodology used enable live operation in just one week. The software includes a uniform project methodology through the use of product versions in accordance with standards such as PMBoK, PRINCE2, ICB and agile project management.
show 1 to 20 (of 45 software programs)

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Software Tips

What is a project?

A project is a time-defined and one-off task with a specific start and end point.

A project is an undertaking that is essentially characterized by the uniqueness of the conditions in their entirety, such as: Objective, time, financial, personnel or other conditions, delimitation from other projects and project-specific organization.

Projects can vary greatly in scope and complexity. A construction project can involve numerous trades and project participants, while the development of a software app can be completed in a relatively short time with just a few programmers.

What is project management?

Project management comprises the planning, control and implementation of a project. There is usually one person responsible for the project, the project manager or project leader, and the project team members. The main task of project management is to achieve the set goal of the project while adhering to the time frame and budget and delivering the desired quality.

Regardless of the project management method chosen, project management goes through various project phases. As a project has a defined start and end point, there is therefore a start phase and a project completion phase. Furthermore, a planning phase and the realization or implementation of the planning are necessary. These two sections can also be divided into more than just two phases. The individual project phases can overlap or be organized sequentially. The latter means that one phase must be completed before the next can begin. Project management comprises a variety of components that help to plan, monitor and complete projects effectively.

Important components of project management

Project objectives and scope: Defining clear project objectives and scope is crucial to establish the focus of the project and ensure that all stakeholders have a common understanding of what is to be achieved

Resource planning: The planning and allocation of human, financial, time and material resources needed for the project to ensure that all requirements can be met.

Time management: Developing a schedule, setting milestones and deadlines, and monitoring progress to ensure that the project is completed on time.

Communication: Establishing effective communication channels and structures to ensure that all stakeholders are kept regularly informed and that issues can be addressed quickly.

Risk management: The identification, assessment and management of risks that could affect the project and the development of strategies to minimize or manage risks.

Quality management: The establishment of quality standards and guidelines and the monitoring of project implementation to ensure that results meet expectations.

Stakeholder management: The identification and engagement of all stakeholders, including customers, team members, suppliers and other involved parties, to ensure that their needs and expectations are taken into account.

Change management: The management of changes in project scope, schedule or other aspects of the project to ensure that the project remains flexible and can adapt to changing requirements.

Documentation: The creation and maintenance of project records, reports, logs and other documents to record project progress and status and to serve as a reference for future projects.

Closure and evaluation: The formal closure phase of the project, including reviewing results, success against objectives, documenting lessons learned and conducting final stakeholder reporting.

Project management methods

There are various project management methods. In addition to the traditional or classic method, there is also agile project management and a combination of the two methods mentioned, hybrid project management. A large number of methods and terms are used in connection with project management.

Classic project management
The classic or traditional method is often referred to as the waterfall method because the individual tasks are sequenced from the beginning to the end of the project like a kind of waterfall. The method is particularly suitable for projects whose tasks are interdependent (sequential), as is the case in the construction industry, plant engineering or production, for example.
These classic methods generally use Gantt charts or networks and milestones. Classic project management offers a variety of methods for control and management. Classic project management methods include DIN, milestones, PMI (Project Management Institute), Six Sigma, ICB 4.0 (Individual Competence Baseline) and many more.

Gantt chart
Gantt chart
Gantt chart
Examples of Gantt charts

Agile project management
Scrum and Kanban are among the most frequently used agile project management methods. Agile project management focuses on self-organized teamwork and working in short iteration cycles. With this method, the client or customer is presented with a preliminary result at the end of each cycle and can issue partial acceptances, request changes or provide feedback. Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking, Lean Management, Lean Startup, XP (Extreme Programming) and many other agile methods are ideal for large, complex projects in production and software development.

Hybrid project management
Hybrid project management is a combination of two project management methods, usually classic and agile. Agile approaches such as PRINCE2, Hermes, V-Modell XT, V-Modell Bund, Crystal, Dynamic System Development Methodology (DSDM), Feature Driven Development (FDD), project process according to IPMA, PMBOK® Guide etc. are implemented with a narrow or fixed framework. Of course, two agile approaches can also be combined with each other. For example, PRINCE2 or Hermes can be combined with methods such as Scrum or Kanban. Ultimately, there are no limits to the "joy of combination".

Which project management method is suitable for which project?

It is not easy to say which method is best suited to which project or project environment. If the project is easy to plan in terms of activities and times, if you have fixed structures and requirements, classic methods are preferable. If you are working on customer-oriented projects with a high communication effort, developing software or advertising campaigns etc., working in flexible environments, then agile methods are the better choice. Combinations of methods are often also suitable for successful project work.

Table: Comparison of project management methods

classic agile hybrid
Target Precisely defined at the start of the project No final project result defined at the start of the project Defined and not clearly defined project objectives
Advantages Temporal representation via Gantt chart and visualization of dependencies
Projects are well planned and clearly structured
Better management of distributed teams
Effective integration of external project participants
Comprehensive, compliant documentation, e.g. for approval procedures
Process reliability
Easy adaptation to changes (plans and objectives)
Fewer rules
Frequent intermediate results
Team organizes itself
Customer benefit in the foreground
sharpening the target despite planning security
Meet fixed deadlines and react flexibly to last-minute changes
Quickly validatable partial results
Short feedback loops
Increased efficiency
Stakeholder involvement
Focus on customer benefits
Disadvantages Easy adaptation to changes (plans and goals)
Fewer rules
Frequent intermediate results
Team organizes itself
Customer benefit in the foreground
High need for communication Less formal documentation Increased administrative effort
Changed management culture
High level of communication
Attributes Plan-based
Compliant with rules
Application areas Stable project environment
Construction projects (bridges, roads, buildings, etc.), engineering projects with a very large mechanical component Plant construction, mechanical engineering, pharmaceutical industry
Projects with a short duration Projects with high customer benefit (e.g. advertising campaigns) Software development Software development
Marketing campaigns
Product development

Advantages of using project management software

Project management software offers numerous advantages that support companies in the efficient planning, management and implementation of projects. It provides a central platform on which all project information and activities converge, helping to complete projects on time and on budget and increase efficiency within the company. Project management software tools are usually designed to support the most common project management methods and techniques. However, please note that not all software is able to fully map every conceivable method.

Advantages of using project management software

Project management methods such as Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban, PRINCE2, Agile, Lean and many others each have their own specific processes, practices and tools. Some project management tools are specifically geared towards one or more of these methods and offer functions and templates that meet the requirements of these methods. To reap the benefits of project management software, it is therefore important to consider the requirements of your project and preferred project management method when looking for project management software.

Better project planning and resource allocation

Better project planning and resource allocation

Project management software enables detailed project planning of tasks, milestones and resources. The visual representation of schedules and processes facilitates planning and creates transparency. The software supports the optimal allocation of resources, including employees, budgets and materials. This minimizes the waste of resources and ensures maximum efficiency. The software generally automates routine tasks such as creating reports and Gantt charts, which saves time and minimizes administrative effort.

Collaboration and project status tracking

Communication, collaboration and tracking of project status

Project management software promotes communication within the team and with stakeholders. Updated information and documents are easily accessible, which reduces misunderstandings. The software also enables real-time tracking of project progress, so you always know whether the project is on schedule or experiencing delays. Project management software usually also includes tools for cross-team collaboration, regardless of geographical location. Teams can collaborate, share files and give feedback in real time.

Document management

Document management

Project management software usually provides a central repository for documents so that project participants can easily access all relevant information. This eliminates the hassle of searching for files in emails or different folders. The software often also supports the management of different versions of documents. This is particularly useful when several people are working on a document and changes need to be tracked. The integrated document management ensures that the latest version is always available. Naturally, the software includes access management to ensure that only authorized persons can access certain information and make changes. Document management within the project software also includes search and filter functions that make it much easier to find documents. You can search by keyword, date, author and other criteria.

Risk management

Risk management

The software enables the identification and management of project risks. All risk information and activities are recorded and logged in the software. This creates a clear history and documentation for later analysis and reporting. Project management software enables risk analyses to be carried out and scenarios to be planned. The software supports the management of risk mitigation measures. You can define measures, assign responsible persons and track their progress. Risk information can be presented transparently for project participants and stakeholders. This creates trust and enables better communication regarding potential challenges. The software stores historical risk data, which is invaluable for future projects. Teams can learn from past risk experiences and improve their risk management skills.

Reporting and analysis

Performance monitoring, reporting and analysis

Among other things, project management software supports performance tracking and monitoring the performance of team members and tasks, often in real time. This promotes accountability and helps identify bottlenecks. The software generates reports and analytics that provide insights into project progress, budget overruns and resource utilization. The comprehensive data and analysis provided by the software supports informed decision making and continuous improvement in project planning and execution. Project management software provides tools to monitor time and resource allocation as well as analytical tools to identify patterns and trends in project progress. This enables proactive adjustment of the project strategy.

Custom workflows

User-defined workflows

Custom workflows are a key feature in many project management software applications. They allow companies to customize their workflows and processes to meet specific requirements and business processes. In most project management software applications, custom workflows are created visually. This means that you can design the work steps, states and transitions in a graphical editor. Custom workflows make it easier to track the progress of tasks and projects. This is particularly important for traceability, quality assurance and risk management.

Typical functions of the software for project management

Typical functions in relation to project management methods

Additional functionalities for more comprehensive project management solutions


Tips for evaluating project management software