Software > Business Management > Idea Management

Idea Management Software

Ideas management involves promoting and utilizing the creativity and inventiveness of employees. The aim of idea management is to mobilize performance reserves in the company, promote innovation and save costs by collecting and selecting suitable suggestions for improvement or new ideas. Ideas management is thus often part of project management.

In this SoftGuide section, you will find an overview of idea management software and solutions. The idea management software listed in this section helps to implement the management for the company suggestion scheme. In most of the idea management solutions presented here, the BVW is combined with methods of the CIP (continuous improvement process) in the application. Often, idea management also includes functions for mapping automated processes, such as in workflow software. The software supports the systematic recording and management of ideas as well as their evaluation and review. Mostly, idea management software offers different model solutions (e.g. central model, supervisor model, hybrid model) with progress controls and reminder functions with escalation levels.

Are you looking for a suitable idea management system?
show 1 to 9 (of 9 software programs)
Innovation Portfolio Management Software
Innovation Portfolio Management Software With Q-impact you get the best out of your idea management. Collect, evaluate and develop ideas in a central platform to turn them into successful projects. Promote creativity and innovation in your company!...
target Idea Management for use with SAP
Idea management software, SAP certified, standard solution
Idea management software, SAP certified, standard solution Unique worldwide: Software for idea and innovation management with SAP technology Use the creative potential in your team with target software for efficient idea and innovation management. Thanks to the direct use of SAP data and technology, our software offers the best solution for SAP systems worldwide.
Trevios software for idea management, complaint management and CIP
Software for mapping idea management, complaint management and CIP
Software for mapping idea management, complaint management and CIP Trevios is a web-based software solution that enables companies to improve their idea management, complaint management and CIP. The software offers a simple and intuitive user interface that enables employees to implement their ideas quickly and easily.
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects Projektron BCS – BCS stands for Business Coordination Software. Comprehensive functions – individual customizing – reliable technology. The web-based software Projektron BCS combines comprehensive functions for project management and ERP in a single solution and supports companies in the efficient planning, control and evaluation of their projects and resources. Whether in project planning, coordination or analysis after completion – Projektron BCS enables you to control all project phases easily and effectively and to always keep control over project progress, expenses and material costs ...
Create your online-surveys and dashboards
Create your online-surveys and dashboards Mit SphinxCloud erstellen Sie Ihre Onlineumfrage: Sämtliche Fragetypen sind per Klick auswählbar, navigieren Sie Ihre Befragten durch Filterführungen, konditionellen Anzeigen oder Berechnungen durch den Fragebogen. Das Besondere an der Umfragelösung: Werten Sie die Onlineumfrage über das Dashboard-Tool optimal aus: Grafisch mit einer Vielzahl von Darstellungsmöglichkeiten, Kreuztabellen, Kommentaren, Bildern, heben Sie Kennwerte visuell hervor. Natürlich EU-DSGVO-konform.
Clarity PPM: Enterprise Software for Project and Portfolio Management
Clarity PPM for comprehensive operative and strategic project and portfolio management
Clarity PPM for comprehensive operative and strategic project and portfolio management Clarity PPM as software meets all requirements of operational and strategic PPM. The strengths include the combination of project, resource, financial and portfolio management as well as multi-project management. Clarity PPM offers extensive configuration options and can be optimally adapted to your individual requirements so that you get the maximum benefit from the application. Whether SaaS or as an on-premise solution. As the manufacturer's only Tier 1 partner in Germany and Austria and strongest partner in Europe, itdesign is the right address for you.
Improve QM-Software
Optimize idea management with Improve in a measurable way.
Optimize idea management with Improve in a measurable way. Improve, the standard solution in quality management, supports you in all requirements. From the recording of a report to the concrete improvement solution, Improve accompanies you and ensures a simple and fast solution finding. Continuous defect recording helps you achieve greater transparency and order. Idea management and customer surveys clearly show where there is potential for improvement. With the "open work" function, you can see which tasks ...
Workflow management and process management software
Workflow management and process management software As part of internal project management, you benefit fully from PANFLOW idea management. This software offers you cross-departmental process optimization that can be used web-based and adapted to your specific requirements.
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
Creativity and common sense
Creativity and common sense Provide your employees a platform to hand in heir ideas for improvement, new products, enhanced business processes to improve their motivation, binding to the organisation and to benefit from their creativity.
show 1 to 9 (of 9 software programs)

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