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Transport Industry Software, Fleet Administration Software

Current market overview of industry software for fleet management . The software usually includes fleet management, vehicle management (incl. tractors, trailers, swap bodies, containers, etc.) and fleet controlling. In most cases, the software supports vehicle cost accounting, often the connection option for a company fuel station and defect management. It can contain interfaces to the accounting system, on-board computer and Toll Collect.

Are you looking for a suitable software for the transport industry or fleet administration?
show 1 to 18 (of 18 software programs)
Equipment-Planning-Organisation-System for cranes, heavy duty transports, lift platforms
Equipment-Planning-Organisation-System for cranes, heavy duty transports, lift platforms The Equipment Planning and Organisation System is the information centre for your whole business. E.P.O.S. is a modular software system which has been developed and been optimised especially for the crane rental and access equipment industry and oversize transports.
applabs Rental & Service
ERP industry software for trade, rental and service
ERP industry software for trade, rental and service applabs Rental & Service is a complete package for trading, rental and service of forklifts, industrial trucks and construction machinery. The software is based on MS Dynamics NAV and maps all business processes. The range of functions includes equipment management, invoicing, payments, evaluation functions, flexible rental rate management, appointment management and much more.
CARGOBASE® - a complete solution for shippers, logisticians and forwarders
CARGOBASE® - a complete solution for shippers, logisticians and forwarders CARGOBASE® offers you maximum transparency without compromise and without great effort. You can locate your vehicles in operation at any time and map them in a single portal. All routes are clearly displayed on a digital map. This provides you with an overview and, above all, with foresight, optimizes your route planning and thus increases the efficiency of your logistics processes.
Web-based time slot management system for administration and booking of time slots
Web-based time slot management system for administration and booking of time slots The loading area is characterized by high momentum and is therefore a frequent focal point in the logistics chain. With the help of the foresighted RampMan® time slot management system, ramp utilization can be transparently displayed, planned and controlled. Better planning is achieved not only with regard to ramp utilization, but also with regard to the connecting journeys of the freight forwarders.
isiplan RV - Spezial-Software für die Vermietbranche
Software zur Vermietung von Wohnmobilen, Caravans, Baumaschinen, Anhängern, Transportern
isiplan RV ist eine cloudbasierte Software, mit der Sie Ihr Vermietgeschäft einfach und effizient ausführen. isiplan eignet sich zur Vermietung von Wohnmobilen, Caravans aber auch für Baumaschinen, Anhänger, Motorräder, Transporter, LKW, Hüpfburgen, Ferienwohnungen und Boote. Herzstück ist eine grafische Disposition mit der der gesamte Vermietvorgang abgewickelt wird. Die Software ist intuitiv zu bedienen und wird permanent weiterentwickelt. Verschlüsselung, Berechtigungsverwaltung und Passwortschutz sorgen für hohe Sicherheit. isiplan RV ist mandantenfähig und mehrsprachig. Alle Drucke (Mietverträge, Übergabe- und Rücknahme-Protokoll, ...) können individuell gestaltet werden.
Industry solution for all areas of inland navigation
ISS offers shipping companies, freight forwarders and storage/handling companies the optimal tools. All areas of inland shipping are covered by the integrated solution: order & voyage management with ISS FREIGHTING, administration & fleet monitoring with ISS SSEHQ, the effective integration of your ships into company processes with ISS BORD as well as simplified warehouse management with ISS UMSCHLAG / LAGER. The diverse interfaces to e.g. D3, Docuware, JobRouter, Navision, Sage, SAP and Simba ensure seamless integration of the solutions into your system landscape.
applabs Rental
Industry solution for mobile goods rental
Industry solution for mobile goods rental Companies with rental services for technical equipment, construction machinery, agricultural machinery, cranes, lifting platforms, advertising media or bulk goods need software that comprehensively maps and optimizes the planning, deployment and billing of their products and resources. applabs Rental is the industry solution that speaks your language. In addition to integrated business management functionalities, you can flexibly select custom-fit modules and functionalities based on years of experience in your industry.
Tour planning system and dispatching system with special industry modules
Tour planning system and dispatching system with special industry modules TRAMPAS is an innovative software solution for route planning and scheduling in the transport industry. The software optimizes the planning and execution of delivery and pick-up appointments and supports communication between customers, drivers and the office.
Software solution for freight cost analysis, controlling and simulation
Software solution for freight cost analysis, controlling and simulation SCALA is one of the leading software solutions in Europe for freight cost simulation and freight cost controlling. SCALA offers complete cost and performance accounting for air, sea and land freight as well as for traffic control and logistics.
Transport-Management-Software for logistics, forwarding agencies and shipping!
Transport-Management-Software for logistics, forwarding agencies and shipping! WinSped is the leading freight forwarding software for transport companies of all sizes. With WinSped you have your fleet, freight forwarding and logistics under control and can quickly and easily enter, process and track orders. The software offers powerful route planning and optimization of depot and warehouse locations. With the efficient personnel scheduling you have the current availabilities of the drivers as well as the associated appointments in view.
Freight and Transport Management
Freight and Transport Management The product LP2, freight and transport management is a powerful transport management system. It supports the planning, execution and control of transports. The flexible system offers a variety of functions to increase the efficiency of the complete transport chain.
FLINTEC IT - Automatic driver's license check
Software for digitizing driver's license checks for companies with company cars
Software for digitizing drivers license checks for companies with company cars With the automatic driver's license check, Flintec digitizes the management of driver's license checks for companies with company car regulations. Flintec's automatic driver's license check is carried out via Android app using a smartphone and/or tablet and can be integrated into the Flintec time recording by phone and mobile as well as into the Flintec control mechanisms (attendance check and working time regulation).
Doll + Leiber TMS
Warehouse management for various purposes, especially forwarding and transport
Warehouse management for various purposes, especially forwarding and transport The module Doll + Leiber TMS is suitable for forwarding agencies with warehouse business, for pure warehouse keepers and for the transport business. The module can be comprehensively extended according to customer requirements. In the extensive version, the solution also provides, for example, barcode scanning for storage, retrieval and transfer as well as picking and inventory.
All-in-One TMS and WMS solution in the areas of land, air and sea
All-in-One TMS and WMS solution in the areas of land, air and sea The lbase Suite Transport Management and Warehouse Management is a complete solution for freight forwarders and logistics service providers who want to benefit from the high transparency, the always up-to-date status information and the mapping of all processes along the transport chain. Master data, shipment and order data are recorded only once and stored in a central database.
CODie ISMAN - Ship Management and Fleet Management
Marine Ship Management Software: Procurement, Planned Maintenance, ISM Management, ISPS
Marine Ship Management Software: Procurement, Planned Maintenance, ISM Management, ISPS The planned maintenance software CODie ISMAN was designed for easy ship management. Its main goal is to make the administration of a vessel aboard and in the offices of the shipping company easier and highly effective. The target of this fleet management software is to keep the costs and time (especially the lay days in ports) as low as possible. Therefore, it comes with dry-dock planner, procurement and spare part stock system and ISM Management module. The software was developed by seagoing staff and have been designed by crew members for easy use and reliability.
Process and meter data acquisition, archiving and evaluation
Process and meter data acquisition, archiving and evaluation TeBIS is used to record, archive and evaluate process and meter data. The user is provided with powerful and easy-to-use visualization tools, analysis tools and reporting tools for setting up a company-wide process information system.
Transport Management Software
TMS, Cost Management / Scheduling / Life File / Administration
TMS, Cost Management / Scheduling / Life File / Administration Transport management offers full transparency around your fleet and around the drivers. With the help of the software solution fuhrparkmanager, transport companies can keep the life records of their vehicles, calculate the return on investment, manage appointments and record working hours. With transport management, you always have an overview of the costs, the fleet and the drivers.
Transport management system for carriers and forwarders
Transport management system for carriers and forwarders FireTMS is a powerful software solution for managing transport and forwarding orders. Extensive functionalities for planning, implementation and billing of transports are available. The solution is intuitive to use. It automates the work of carriers and forwarders. It is available online and supports integration with other systems. A link with GPS telematics is possible.
show 1 to 18 (of 18 software programs)

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