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Invoicing and Billing Software

Billing software and invoicing software are used by companies to create invoices (billing documents) for deliveries and services. Invoicing software usually involves checking and processing the invoice and immediately posting the transaction to appropriate accounting accounts. The verification of invoices, incoming invoices and other documents can also be supported by workflow functions of the billing software. This is done either via interface or directly in an integrated accounting software. As a rule, the invoicing software should be oriented towards the type and volume of invoices that the company processes. There are cloud solutions as well as on-premises solutions in the area of invoicing. In addition to invoicing software, you will find numerous solutions for quotation and order processing, merchandise management and costing systems.

Are you looking for a suitable accounting software or invoicing software?
show 1 to 19 (of 19 software programs)
Fakturia Subscription Management
Automated billing of subscription contracts and recurring invoices
Automated billing of subscription contracts and recurring invoices Fakturia is your first choice when it comes to the automated creation of recurring invoices. As a subscription management system, Fakturia enables simple, fully automated and cross-industry billing for your subscription commerce business model.
Digitize your Company
Digitize your Company teamspace is an enterprise software with which modern teams work together efficiently and successfully. Network your team in the cloud and manage your business processes with practicality and foresight. From the sales process to project planning and billing to the management of customer data.
E-Invoicing 2025
Simple creation and sending of e-invoices
Simple creation and sending of e-invoices With E-Invoicing 2025, you can handle your invoicing quickly, securely and in compliance with the law. Create e-invoices in accordance with the new legal requirements and benefit from flexible billing models such as flat-rate or time-based fees. Find out more now and optimize billing processes digitally!...
EASY Invoice
Enables shorter throughput times and transparency in invoice receipt
EASY Invoice stands for cost reduction and significantly increased transparency in invoice processes. EASY Invoice achieves the cost reduction compared to paper-based invoice processing through a digitized review and approval workflow. A transparent workflow shows all parties involved the status of an invoice and who is currently processing it.
Manage incoming invoices quickly and in a structured way
Manage incoming invoices quickly and in a structured way With the PHOENIX INVOICE software, not only are incoming invoices recorded digitally, but the application also allows you to create invoices directly from the program via the customized dashboards and with the corresponding interfaces to the financial accounting system.
Write invoices, quotations and delivery bills with the cloud-based invoicing software
Write invoices, quotations and delivery bills with the cloud-based invoicing software With easybill, you can write invoices, quotations and delivery bills and have reminders sent automatically. The software is always up-to-date, even with regard to constantly changing tax law. See your invoices as an effective marketing tool! To ensure that your documents also look professional, we also offer you the creation of your own stationery and logo in cooperation with Designwerkstatt24. Try easybill for a week free of charge and without obligation and see for yourself.
The intelligent solution for digitizing documents
The intelligent solution for digitizing documents With DOC², you can digitize your documents (PDF, Word, images, paper, etc...) and use the data and information they contain for your further processes. Whether invoices, contracts, forms or prescriptions - all types of documents are recognized and processed using AI technology, including handwritten information.
The solution for project-oriented service companies
The solution for project-oriented service companies The prima software for project management for the service industry offers numerous functionalities for service recording, project planning etc. as well as functions for invoicing. These include the invoice approval process, expenses, discounts and lump-sum invoices, direct, partial and final invoices, debtor lists and, for example, invoicing with customized layouts.
BSS for ISPs, telecommunications and cable network operators
BSS for ISPs, telecommunications and cable network operators The standard OPENService software for ISPs, telecommunications and cable network operators integrates the processes for address management, customer care, networks and connections, provisioning, property and contract management as well as billing and accounts receivable management. As a tool for marketing and CRM, you can design prices, campaigns and products, forecast sales and revenues and set up customer-oriented dunning procedures for optimal payment behavior.
Automated invoice management
Automated invoice management CANDIS ist eine einfache Software für Rechnungsmanagement - schnell von überall einsetzbar und für alle Mitarbeiter ohne Schulung zu nutzen. Importieren Sie Rechnungen per E-Mail oder laden Sie diese mit nur wenigen Klicks hoch. Individuelle Workflows vereinfachen hierbei sogar komplexe, mehrstufige Freigabeprozesse. Sorgen über verpasste Zahlungen oder Mahngebühren gehören endlich der Vergangenheit an.
Efficient and transparent order processing
Efficient and transparent order processing The "order processing" allows a deposit of payment agreements, expense rates, binding periods and discounts, includes an open item list incl. dunning and can, among other things, link orders with the corresponding invoices, contracts or credit notes. For example, automated notifications are sent to other departments when goods are delivered or invoices are issued. Won orders can be automatically transferred to the forecast.
merchandise management system for small and medium-sized enterprises in the fashion biz
merchandise management system for small and medium-sized enterprises in the fashion biz IX FUSION PLUS is a complete merchandise management system from the entry and management of master data, order entry, procurement, goods receipt (warehouse, materials management), allocation and invoicing. State-of-the-art database technology enables you to enter data flexibly and without limits. The system is multi-client capable and runs Windows-based. This allows for quick familiarisation and low follow-up costs. It includes integrated standard reports that can be customised on request.
Omnichannel ERP system for the fashion business
Omnichannel ERP system for the fashion business IX FUSION PRO - The Omnichannel ERP System for the Fashion Industry IX FUSION PRO is the first omnichannel ERP system for fashion companies. The innovative ERP solution combines ERP, PLM and SCM processes. The ERP impresses with its wide range of functions, high user-friendliness and intelligent business logic. From mobile web shops to area and returns management systems to warehouse management, the software is equipped with all important features. Advantages global access to data, accelerated processes ...
MLM Software for Network Marketing and Direct Sales
MLM Software for Network Marketing and Direct Sales With onPartner you don't need any other software for your business, because it is the only working level for all users equally. Your company, your sales partners and, if you wish, even your service providers can work within the software by means of appropriate user authorizations. This creates a uniform way of working and better communication. onPartner can completely map all processes relevant to your business and is, above all, 100% fully customizable to your needs!...
ERP twyz.enterprise
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert.
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert. Die webbasierte twoeyes enterprise Warenwirtschaft eröffnet Ihnen eine Vielzahl an neuer Chancen und Möglichkeiten. Managen Sie sämtliche Waren und Artikel auf Basis präziser Stammdaten und mit einem äußerst professionellen Auftrags-, Lager- und Versandwesen. Optimieren Sie Ihre Produktion nach Kanban und/oder individuellen QM-Vorgaben. Definieren Sie Ihre Preise, Preisgruppen und Staffelpreise, planen Sie Sonderverkaufsaktionen und verknüpfen Sie die Wawi mit Ihrem Online-Shop.
Electronic invoice processing (MR.KNOW)
Invoice program: Entry and processing of incoming invoices
Invoice program: Entry and processing of incoming invoices The invoice processing program supports the recording and processing of incoming invoices, from automated document entry to the distribution, further processing and posting of relevant invoice data through to payment approval. After scanning, the data is compared with the order data in the ERP system and checked for plausibility, consistency and completeness. Reporting and monitoring for individual evaluations and compliance requirements are integrated into the invoice processing program.
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects Projektron BCS – BCS stands for Business Coordination Software. Comprehensive functions – individual customizing – reliable technology. The web-based software Projektron BCS combines comprehensive functions for project management and ERP in a single solution and supports companies in the efficient planning, control and evaluation of their projects and resources. Whether in project planning, coordination or analysis after completion – Projektron BCS enables you to control all project phases easily and effectively and to always keep control over project progress, expenses and material costs ...
Professional, modular and team-oriented ERP with integrated CRM
Professional, modular and team-oriented ERP with integrated CRM The finance and banking module of TOPIX can be used to map both national and international payment transactions. TOPIX has a number of useful automatisms. For example, the system can create suggestions for payment methods (check, transfer, etc.) from incoming or outgoing invoices or automatically initiate postings and generate collective payments. It is also possible to block individual personal accounts or invoices, which the optional posting of payments.
Soft Scan
Generic Bill of Material scanner, will read CAD files and export into different formats
SoftScan is a generic Bill of Material scanner designed to read from various CAD systems and export into many other output formats. It's a fully customizable scanner capable of understanding almost every different kind of bill of material ...
show 1 to 19 (of 19 software programs)

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