Software > Transport and Logistics > Cab, Bus, and Passenger Transport

Passenger Transport, Cab Centers Software, Bus Companies Software

Current market overview of industry software and software for cab centers, bus companies and passenger transport. The software listed here is aimed at cab and bus companies as well as companies from the rental car industry, public transport or courier companies.

Cab software usually supports working time recording, sick trip accounting, invoice trips and tour slips. Software for cab companies can often also support ordering options via app or SMS.

Software for public transport and bus companies usually includes modules for timetable creation and management, as well as wagon circulation planning and driver database. It supports personnel and vehicle scheduling with automatic working time calculation. As a rule, the software for cab and bus companies also includes service accounting for scheduled transport services. Often, the software for bus companies also offers subscription management such as monthly, annual tickets and mini-subscriptions.

Are you looking for a suitable software for cab centers or bus companies?
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WEMA Merchandise Management
Intuitive and simple operation! That is our claim!
Intuitive and simple operation! That is our claim! WEMA Merchandise Management can be individually adapted to almost any company in any industry. The intuitive operation, extensive search and evaluation functions and unlimited network capability (optional). Thanks to the webshop connection, you no longer have to maintain your online store manually, but can automatically exchange data with the merchandise management system.
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