Software > Human Resources > Time recording, working time recording

Time Recording and Work Time Logging Software

Flexible organization of working time is increasingly becoming a competitive factor for companies these days. There are now a large number of different working time models that have to be documented and managed in accordance with legal requirements. As part of the company data collection (PDA), time recording software supports the recording, management and evaluation of working and absence times of employees. With many solutions for personnel time recording, time stamping is now possible both via a terminal and via the web or an app, or via transponder chips using RFID.

In this current market overview you will find solutions for time recording such as software for mobile time recording, working time recording and personnel time recording. Also listed are solutions for recording terminals and project time recording, absence and vacation management or software for access control. Working time accounts, overtime accounts, vacation accounts or even sick days can usually be displayed quickly and clearly using the software solutions listed here. The software usually includes interfaces to payroll programs or industry programs for payroll accounting.

Are you looking for a suitable time recording system?
show 1 to 20 (of 40 software programs)
Software for time recording, duty roster design and project and activity recording
Software for time recording, duty roster design and project and activity recording Time tracking - simple and user-friendly with ClickTime. A few clicks and working times and absences are recorded and you can easily and quickly print out your desired monthly report. Monitor your projects and project times and easily plan the assignments of your employees. ClickTime is a web-based application that only requires browser access to work effectively.
Time tracking software that is fun to use
Time tracking software that is fun to use timr is the online time recording solution for all industries and especially suitable for SMEs. Employees record attendance and absence, sick leave or time off. The hours and vacation account is managed automatically. Project times can be recorded with the stopwatch function and already accounted for at the end of the day. In the central time recording account you have all employees under one roof.
FLINTEC IT - mobile time recording via app
Software for recording staff and order time via smartphone, tablet, smartwatch
Software for recording staff and order time via smartphone, tablet, smartwatch At FLINTEC, time recording is mobile and via app. The app-based recording of personnel and order time is made possible by increasingly powerful mobile devices and stable mobile networks. For use on smartphones and tablets, FLINTEC has developed native apps for Android and iOS as well as an operating system-independent web solution that are clear in their presentation and easy to use.
TimO project management, time tracking, capacity manag. and controling
Project planning, project steering, project controlling, time management - 100% web based
Time Management Office® is a network-, internet- und intranet based software for project planning, project controlling, project monitoring, resource management, capacity planning, expense planning, project expense management, process optimisation and time sheet. Additionally Time Management Office can be used for order- and service related time and cost management. Time Management Office can be parameterised to disable unnecessary functions. (As extensive as necessary!). Many applications in this sector come with a variety of useful functions ...
FLINTEC IT - Digitalization of attendance monitoring
Software for checking work assignments for service companies
Software for checking work assignments for service companies FLINTEC IT is a web-based attendance control software that helps companies to digitize and manage the attendance of their employees. The software offers a simple and intuitive user interface with which attendance data can be recorded quickly and efficiently.
DEXICON for access control and time recording
Time recording, working time recording
Time recording, working time recording PCS Systemtechnik is a leading German manufacturer of hardware and software for access control and time and attendance. PCS offers professional solutions for data collection and building security for all industries and company sizes. INTUS terminals are high-performance, programmable data collection terminals for almost all operational areas. More than 300,000 INTUS devices are in use for time and attendance, workforce management and access control.
die Fachmesse für Lösungen rund um Zutrittskontrollen, Brandschutz, IT-Security, Perimeter Protection und Videoüberwachung. in München25.06. - 26.06.2025
FLINTEC IT - Time recording via app with workflow
Flintec digitizes and automates recurring processes in time recording
Flintec digitizes and automates recurring processes in time recording The Workflows module extends the Flintec app for mobile time recording and access control. Workflows are defined on a company-specific basis, e.g. absences, home office, rebooking as part of time recording and authorizations for access control.
FLINTEC IT - Automatic driver's license check
Software for digitizing driver's license checks for companies with company cars
Software for digitizing drivers license checks for companies with company cars Flintec digitizes and automates the driver's license check. It can be recorded via smartphone and tablet or integrated into mobile time recording via app. The automatic driver's license check is quick and easy to use. The app enables a mobile driver's license check that is not tied to location or office opening hours.
cronetwork Time & Attendance
Software for personnel planning, personnel time recording and accounting
As a modern time recording program and accounting system for manufacturing companies, cronetwork Time & Attendance supports you on several levels in your modern time management. A central calendar sheet is available to all users and time managers. From there, you can perform all necessary activities such as your vacation planning, overtime approval or shift swaps without changing masks. To enable highly automated accounting, software also optimizes processes for demanding tasks such as on-call duty ...
Web-based time recording solutions for companies of all sizes and industries
Web-based time recording solutions for companies of all sizes and industries The web-based time recording for companies for working time recording, project time recording and vacation management.
rexx HR - Vacation Manager
Vacation management, absence management
Vacation management, absence management Rexx HR Vacationmanager - perfect, operational vacation administration and absence management Do you know this? Constant inquiries about vacation, disagreements about actual vacation entitlement, time-consuming planning of absences and overlaps? Or simply the quick overview: Who is actually there and when? Create transparency! Your employees can enter and track their vacation entries in the rexx HR employee portal via any PC with a browser. A complete history of all leave bookings is available for retrieval in the employee portal at any time ...
rexx HR - Time Management
Time tracking, absence management
Time tracking, absence management rexx Time Management is a flexible and efficient cloud solution with which you can merge or keep separate the working time and absence data of your employees for different locations, business units or departments. Time recording and absence management are handled completely web-based.
FLINTEC IT - Mobile Project Time Recording
Recording of staff time and project time via Flintec App
Recording of staff time and project time via Flintec App The Flintec project time recording module is an extension of the Flintec app for time recording and access control. The project time recording can be combined with the recording devices supported by Flintec for the Android, iOS or watchOS operating system. The module captures project data in just a few steps, regardless of their number, complex project names or variety of activities.
cronetwork Machine and Process Data
Machine data acquisition
cronetwork Machine and Process Data is a system for the automatic transfer of machine states, quantities or process data and can be used as an independent module. Machine data is transferred via a flexibly scalable field bus system, OPC or via direct connection to your machine control system....
Automatic duty rostering for medical practices, hospitals, care, hotels, industry, etc.
Automatic duty rostering for medical practices, hospitals, care, hotels, industry, etc. With digital time recording from Planerio, you can keep an eye on working times online, via RFID or app. Automatic target/actual comparisons, break calculation and timesheets simplify time management and reduce errors. Efficient, transparent and with interfaces to payroll accounting!...
Fachmesse für Personalmanagement in Hamburg Messe & Congress26.03. - 27.03.2025 , Hall / stand: Stand: F.02
FLINTEC IT - Mobile access and door status monitoring
App for mobile access control and wireless door status monitoring
App for mobile access control and wireless door status monitoring FLINTEC IT is a mobile access control and door status monitoring solution designed for time and attendance and working time recording. The solution enables users to monitor and manage their access control and door status data on the move.
GisboTimer - Zeiterfassung und Dienstplanungs
Duty planning, time recording, determination of non-permanent bonuses
Duty planning, time recording, determination of non-permanent bonuses The duty roster software - GisboTimer includes various options for recording employees' working times, storing rules and presenting them to staff in a transparent and clear manner. The program automatically calculates allowances and bonuses for the recorded working hours. The start and end of working hours and breaks can be recorded quickly and easily.
Die perfekte Projektzeiterfassung für Teams. Projektcontrolling leicht gemacht.
Die perfekte Projektzeiterfassung für Teams. Projektcontrolling leicht gemacht. Xpert-Timer Pro is the flagship of Xpert-Timer Software. In addition to pure time recording, the program developed in Germany, already contains comprehensive customer management, an activity history, a reminder module and a task list - in other words, all components for efficient project management. Optionally available are further additional modules such as billing (offers, invoices, payment reminders), document management, CTI telephony module and service recording. Its more than 2.000 customers include IT service providers, craft businesses and engineering companies.
Time Tracking for Projects & Employees
Time Tracking for Projects & Employees ZEP & ZEP Clock are modular software solutions for digital working time recording and much more. ZEP offers you numerous additional functions around overtime, vacation, project planning, travel cost management, invoicing and much more, depending on your individual needs. ZEP Clock is the more streamlined solution for pure working time recording and is also expandable. Depending on the solution, you can use ZEP or ZEP Clock for as little as 10€ or 2€ per user per month ...
Systems for time recording, personnel management & access control
Systems for time recording, personnel management & access control NovaTime is the innovative and extremely flexible software for personnel time recording. For over 25 years, NovaTime has been used by thousands of people in the European market. The user-friendly solution has a modular structure. It allows perfect customization via these modules to the respective customer requirements.
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