Software > Services > Insurance

Insurance Software

Current market overview of industry software and software for insurance companies, insurance agencies and insurance brokers. The software for insurance companies and financial service providers listed here is aimed at insurance groups and brokers, insurance consultants, financial service providers, insurance companies and InsurTechs, among others.

The software for insurance companies, insurance agencies and insurance brokers supports the management of master data (e.g. customers, appointments, contracts, claims) for all types of motor, property, life and health insurance. The software usually offers template management (e.g. for premium waivers, rescission, powers of attorney, damage notices) and document management (original policies, damage images, etc.). In some cases, the software for insurers also includes modules for actuaries or for the actuarial department.

Are you looking for a suitable software for the insurance industry?
show 1 to 11 (of 11 software programs)
Information and communication system
Information and communication system SessionNet can be easily integrated into the individual web presence of insurance companies. All important information is provided in a customer and user-friendly way. At the same time, the latest resolutions are made accessible to those users who are affected by them.
System for automated checking of transactions for market conformity
RiskLine-M is a system for the automated review of transactions for market conformity and offers insurance companies an efficient solution for the review of business risks.
System for automating the processing of portfolio commissions, sales follow-up commission
FundLine's modularity and flexibility ensure timely, cost-effective and on-demand solutions for your requirements. The software supports the automation of all items associated with the processing of commissions and fees.
System for distribution and quality assurance of price and rate information
RiskLine-P provides the entire infrastructure for validation, quality assurance and central distribution of your quote and price data. Manual activities are reduced and consist at most of the isolated maintenance and supplementation of quote and price requests or the handling of implausible or potentially erroneous market data. RiskLine supports you in complying with regulatory requirements and ensures audit-proof market data supply. In addition, financial service providers benefit from the cost transparency in information supply provided by the system.
ORC - Operational Risk Center
Standard software solution for managing operational risks
The ORC is a web-based risk management system that supports companies in identifying, analysing and minimizing their operational risk. The system offers a standardized platform for risk management and risk communication in companies.
FundLine-O - System for the automation of off-exchange fund orders
The FundLine-O system automates the processing of over-the-counter fund orders, enabling faster and more efficient order execution. Automation also facilitates communication between the client and the fund manager, as all relevant information is transmitted quickly and directly.
RIAS - Audit Management Software
Field-proven software for internal audits
Field-proven software for internal audits With RIAS, you can optimize the quality of your audit management: RIAS serves as an effective tool for internal auditing, helping you to implement the quality and procedural standards set by the German Institute of Internal Auditing (DIIR).
authensis ACHAT
Smarte Software für exzellenten Kundendialog
Smarte Software für exzellenten Kundendialog The main advantage of the authensis ACHAT Software Suite for your insurance company is that it allows you to network across locations and, if necessary, optimize communication management in multiple languages.
goSmart® Customer Communication Management Suite
High-volume document generation, interactive forms, word processing and output mngt
High-volume document generation, interactive forms, word processing and output mngt The goSmart® Customer Communication Management Suite supports the automated creation of documents from company data, the production of CI-compliant individual documents, and the management of physical and electronic output channels. It offers maximum compatibility through direct connection of interfaces. Enables intelligent output management with seamless export of documents for print, website or social media channels.
audius:Finance for financial service providers
audius:Insurance - component for insurance brokers
audius:Insurance - component for insurance brokers audius:Insurance supports insurance brokers with specific processes and master data. The acquisition process is based on the EU Insurance Mediation Directive and the customer inventory, into which a policyholder's existing contracts are transferred. The component includes contract and application management, commission settlement and the processing of service requests and claims notifications.
System for clearing and settlement of fund transactions
FundLine-S is a system for clearing and settlement of fund transactions. It enables the fast and efficient settlement of fund transactions. The software offers a high efficiency gain by automating the processing.
show 1 to 11 (of 11 software programs)

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