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Experts Software, Surveyors Software

Current market overview of expert software such as industry software and software for appraisers or expert offices. The listed software includes, among other things, extensive document management functions with numerous options such as a detailed reporting system (preliminary, interim, final and settlement reports) with linking of individual photos to the individual points, text passage management, integration of service catalogs, standards integration and formula works.

Surveyor software usually supports appointment management, photo documentation and, depending on the industry, offers interfaces to calculation providers, residual value exchanges and motor vehicle damage service. The software includes options for differentiated mass determination, reduction and ancillary construction costs for construction value, damage, residual or subtotal presentation. Depending on the type of expert opinion (private, court or insurance expert opinion), the software can be used to enter evidence resolutions (using the original designations of the court) or to create a construction engineering rules catalog.

Are you looking for a suitable software for appraisers or surveyors?
show 1 to 7 (of 7 software programs)
Programme package for laboratory tests in soil mechanics, earthwork and foundation enginee
As an assessor and expert in the field of soil mechanics, earthwork and foundation engineering, there are numerous IDAT programmes available to you for the evaluation of laboratory tests, which are offered in packages. The main advantage of these programmes is the convenient input of data. The results can be checked immediately on the screen. Select individual or compilations of programmes such as programme package IDATLab Part 1 on plate load test, Proctor test, grain size distribution, etc., IDATLab Part 2 on compression test, shear test, etc. or IDATLab Part 3 on lime content, grain density, water absorption capacity, etc.
IDAT - Earth static calculation programmes
Programme package for earth static calculations
As an expert and structural engineer in the field of soil mechanics, earthwork and foundation engineering, you can enjoy the highest flexibility and comfort with the IDAT - earth static calculation programs. The earth static programmes can be used individually or as a package and cover comprehensive calculations as well as applicable standards. Whether settlement and canting calculation, foundation slab calculation or calculation of earth pressure and internal forces for excavation pit walls - IDAT - Earth static calculation programs offers the right program package.
mydocma MM
Progress through defects management
Progress through defects management With the help of the mydocma® MM software solution, experts and surveyors can professionally document defect management. With mydocma MM, you lay the foundation for perfect warranty documentation and take the first step towards strategic construction defect management.
Software for calculating heat flows, thermal bridges, isotherms and Uf-values
Software WINISO® for calculating heat flows, thermal bridges, isotherms and Uf-values according to EN ISO 10077-2:2017. Imported CAD files can be analysed automatically and failures in the drawing are removed by the sofware. Therefore complex constructions and systems can be calculated within a short time. Due to the integrated FEM calculating engine, results are determined very precisely.
Short-circuit calculation, selectivity, overview and distribution diagrams, documentation
Short-circuit calculation, selectivity, overview and distribution diagrams, documentation Caneco BT can carry out the calculation in accordance with over 14 international standards plus the marine standard. For each planning, execution and maintenance phase, you receive over 50 documentation variants at the touch of a button. The Caneco BT user interface is available in seven languages. You can automatically print out your documentation and certificates translated into nine languages.
ALPI Caneco Implantation
Planning and design of electrical systems in 2D/3D on the Autodesk AutoCAD platform
Planning and design of electrical systems in 2D/3D on the Autodesk AutoCAD platform The professional 2D/3D CAD software for electrical planning & engineering ALPI CANECO IMPLANTATION provides powerful and efficient support for the planning and design of electrical systems in 2D and 3D on the Autodesk AutoCAD® MEP/ADT/OEM platform.
Short-circuit calculation, selectivity, overview plans, ring networks
Short-circuit calculation, selectivity, overview plans, ring networks ALPI CANECO HT and ALPI CANECO TCC are two powerful software solutions that are perfect for the calculation and documentation of medium and high-voltage systems, short-circuit calculations and much more. Clear verifications, selectivity reports, protocols and documentation can be created at the touch of a button.
show 1 to 7 (of 7 software programs)

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