Software > Organizations and Institutions > Club Management, Organizations

Club Management and Organizations Software

Current market overview of programs for clubs and associations. The association management software listed here is suitable for a wide range of associations in the fields of sports, commerce, arts, social affairs, etc. The association software usually includes an address, member and donation and contribution management.

The programs listed here support, among other things, the income statement for all areas of the association, a simple management of the association's treasury and the booking of income and expenses. The software includes any contribution types and individual contribution design (e.g. monthly, annually) and has interfaces e.g. to the DOSB. This section also includes solutions that are suitable for organizing and evaluating competitions, planning and conducting tournaments for various sports (e.g. gymnastics, tennis, table tennis, horseback riding).

Are you looking for a suitable club management software?
show 1 to 10 (of 10 software programs)
Software solution for the management and administration of non-profit organizations
Enter-Brain is an innovative software solution that revolutionizes the management and administration of non-profit organizations. Enter-Brain offers a range of useful features that allow you to manage your organization more effectively and efficiently. These include a membership management system, a financial management module, a document management system and many other useful functions.
With the ClubDesk online club software, you can guide your club well into the future.
With the ClubDesk online club software, you can guide your club well into the future. The ClubDesk online club software supports you with efficient member management, appointment and event management, archiving your club documents, creating correspondence, creating a club website and bookkeeping. Sounds complicated and a lot? It's not! The intuitive operation and step-by-step setup makes club administration easier than ever! Even handing over offices is child's play with ClubDesk.
CAS netWorks
Strong CRM for clubs & associations
Strong CRM for clubs & associations Optimize your association work with CAS netWorks, the tailor-made association software! Thanks to centralized member management and transparent process mapping, you can keep track of all relevant information and workflows. With functions such as member management, committee management and event organization, CAS netWorks supports you efficiently in your association work. Benefit from smart wizards and an intuitive user interface that make it easier for you to communicate with your members.
Cloud enterprise software for the mid-market companies
Cloud enterprise software for the mid-market companies With Scopevisio, you automate your routine commercial tasks and manage your projects time- and cost-efficiently, even on the road. From contact management to accounting: with Scopevisio, you implement your digitalisation project and lay the foundation for future growth. We offer the software solution for your digital transformation - operated in German high-security data centres. We have received the IT Award 2022 (Gold) and Innovator of the Year 2022 as awards.
unitop NPO
Software for associations, fundraising organizations and academies
Software for associations, fundraising organizations and academies With the unitop NOP software, clubs and associations benefit from optimized CRM/address management and simple management of master data on members and projects. In addition, this specific industry solution offers everything that associations need for organization and processing in the commercial area.
James- the library butler®
Book management for companies, libraries, universities, municipalities and: private indivi
Book management for companies, libraries, universities, municipalities and: private indivi James - the Bibliotheksbutler® is the convenient book management system for everyone! No matter which hardware or operating system you choose tomorrow: With 'James, the library butler®' you are on the safe side. With intelligent media recording, everything is recorded really quickly. You decide what your online library looks like. Reference and lending library made easy!...
New generation course management, seminar management and event management
New generation course management, seminar management and event management welante course management contains the necessary functions for an efficient planning and administration of seminars, courses and events. Education and event providers and associations trust in welante. welante stands for course administration of the new generation. The demanding processes in event and education administration are simplified and made even more efficient thanks to proven functions.
Software for the organization of seminars & events
Software for the organization of seminars & events simplyOrg - seminar management software ensures significantly simplified, automated processes and time savings in seminar management. Whether seminar, advanced training or training, face-to-face event or e-learning - simplyOrg supports you with helpful functions in every event phase. Access takes place securely via the cloud with a detailed role/rights system. This means you can also work with the software conveniently from your home office or while on the road. The all-in-one solution is also equipped with interfaces to accounting systems, HR software, Datev, SAP, Sage or Salesforce.
Meeting management software for municipalities, authorities, utilities, banks
Meeting management software for municipalities, authorities, utilities, banks Session is the ideal solution for providing all association and club members with the same information at the same time. This meeting management software simplifies processes and saves time, effort and resources. All important data can be accessed securely from any location and offers users transparency and simple applications.
TIMELINE Documentation Tool für Nursing Homes and Institutions
TIMELINE Documentation Tool für Nursing Homes and Institutions TIMELINE covers the legal regulation for documentation in social services. TIMELINE is: simple acquisition of data, few mouse clicks, transparency, consistent processing , little expenditure of time , comprehensive data interpretation By using a template generator you may easily adapt the system to your demands. You receive all objectives and actions at a glance.
show 1 to 10 (of 10 software programs)

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