SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Interfaces to invoicing
Interfaces to invoicing

Interfaces to invoicing

What is meant by Interfaces to invoicing?

The term "billing interfaces" refers to the connections and integrations between different software systems that enable efficient exchange and processing of billing data. These interfaces can transfer data from one system to another to automate and streamline the billing process. They play a crucial role in integrating financial and ERP systems, accounting software, and other relevant applications.

Typical software functions in the area of "billing interfaces":

  1. Data Transfer: Automated exchange of billing data between different systems, such as between an ERP system and an accounting program.
  2. Payment Service Provider Integration: Connection to payment platforms for automated capture and processing of payments and credits.
  3. Invoice Import and Export: Importing invoice data from external sources and exporting invoice data to various formats or systems.
  4. Synchronization of Billing Data: Ensuring that billing data is consistent and up-to-date across different systems.
  5. Error Detection and Correction: Identification and automatic correction of errors that may occur during data transfer or processing.
  6. Automatic Billing: Generation and sending of invoices based on predefined rules and triggers from the connected systems.
  7. Audit and Logging: Documentation of all interface activities for tracking and verifying transactions.


The function / module Interfaces to invoicing belongs to:


Cover letter, advertising
Credit card import
File scan services
Integration of office software
Interfaces for employees and visitors
Mail-In/Scan-In function
MS Excel interface
MS Exchange interface
Outlook integration
Remote configuration
System components
Tax consultant interface
Web service integration

Software solutions with function or module Interfaces to invoicing:

Fakturia Subscription Management
knk Subscription Management Module
myPARM - Multi-project management software