Please note that detailed explanations are not yet available for some of the functions and modules listed. This is due to the fact that the corresponding texts have only just been created and are still being edited. However, we are working on updating these links shortly in order to provide you with a comprehensive insight into all the functions and modules listed. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
IETMs (Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals)
Import interfaces for bills of quantities
Imprint and terms and conditions
In house / Out of house function
Income and expenditure history
incremental contribution margin accounting
Individual and framework contracts
Initial sample inspection report
Inspection equipment monitoring
Installation planning and load calculation
Integrate organizational structure
Integration of company logos and images
Integration of office software
Integration of the control level
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Interfaces for employees and visitors
Interfaces to operational data
International Travel Expense Reporting
Internet access
Inventory management interface
Investment Banking
IP Encapsulating Security and Multiprotocol Encapsulation
IT documentation and IT visualization