SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Interfaces


What is meant by Interfaces?

The term "interfaces" refers to the points of interaction or connection between different systems, software components, or hardware units. Interfaces enable communication and data exchange between these entities and are crucial for integration and functionality in a networked environment.

Typical software functions in the area of "interfaces":

  1. API Management: Management and documentation of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that enable data and functionality exchange between software modules.
  2. Data Integration: Functions for synchronizing and transferring data between different systems or databases.
  3. Error Handling: Mechanisms for detecting and resolving errors that may occur during communication over interfaces.
  4. Authentication and Authorization: Ensuring that only authorized users or systems can access the interfaces to maintain data security and integrity.
  5. Logging and Monitoring: Recording and monitoring interactions over interfaces for troubleshooting and performance tracking.
  6. Configuration Management: Tools for adjusting and managing the settings and parameters of interfaces to tailor their functionality to specific needs.
  7. Documentation: Providing guides and specifications for the use and integration of interfaces to facilitate implementation.
  8. Testing and Simulation: Functions for testing and simulating interfaces to ensure correct communication and data transfer.

Examples of "interfaces":

  1. REST API (Representational State Transfer): An interface that allows access and interaction with web services over HTTP protocols.
  2. SOAP API (Simple Object Access Protocol): A standardized protocol for exchanging structured information about web services in an XML format.
  3. Database Interface: A connection between a software application and a database for reading, writing, or modifying data.
  4. User Interface (UI): The interface through which users interact with software applications, including graphical and text-based elements.
  5. Hardware Interface: The connection between a computer and an external device, such as USB ports or serial interfaces.


The function / module Interfaces belongs to:


Cover letter, advertising
Credit card import
File scan services
Integration of office software
Interfaces for employees and visitors
Mail-In/Scan-In function
MS Excel interface
MS Exchange interface
Outlook integration
Remote configuration
System components
Tax consultant interface
Web service integration

Measurement, control and regulation (MCR)


Software solutions with function or module Interfaces:

4ALLPORTAL - PIM Software - Product Information Management
4ALLPORTAL- DAM Software - Digital Asset Management
aktefix® digital
authensis ACHAT
CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
CASQ-it / MESQ-it
Corporate Planner
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
Show all 83 programs with Interfaces