SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Interaction with beams

Interaction with beams

What is meant by Interaction with beams?

The term "Interaction in Beams" refers to the consideration and analysis of the interplay between various types of loads and deformation states in beam-like structural elements within design software. This is particularly important as beams in reality are often subjected to multiple stresses simultaneously, such as compression, bending, and torsion.

Typical software functions in the area of "Interaction in Beams":

  1. Combined load case calculation: Enables simultaneous consideration of multiple types of loads.
  2. Interaction diagrams: Generation of graphical representations to visualize the interactions between different stresses.
  3. Stability analysis: Calculation of buckling and lateral-torsional buckling behavior considering multiple influences.
  4. Cross-section optimization: Automatic adjustment of beam cross-sections considering multiple load types.
  5. Nonlinear analysis: Consideration of geometric and material nonlinearities in interaction calculations.
  6. Verification process: Automated checking of load-bearing capacity and serviceability considering interaction effects.

Examples of "Interaction in Beams":

  1. Compression-bending interaction: Analysis of a column under simultaneous compression and bending stress.
  2. Torsion-bending interaction: Investigation of a beam subjected to both torsion and bending.
  3. Tension-bending interaction: Calculation of a tension member with additional bending stress due to self-weight.
  4. Buckling-local buckling interaction: Analysis of thin-walled beams considering local and global stability phenomena.
  5. Axial force-shear force interaction: Investigation of connection points in truss structures.
  6. Dynamic interaction: Consideration of vibration effects in the stability analysis of slender beams.

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Software solutions with function or module Interaction with beams:

Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software