SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Import of documents

Import of documents

What is meant by Import of documents?

"Document import" refers to the process of bringing external files, content, or information into a software application or system.

Typical functions of software in the field of "document import" include:

  1. File Format Support: Support for a variety of file formats such as text documents (e.g., DOCX, TXT), spreadsheets (e.g., XLSX, CSV), presentations (e.g., PPTX), images (e.g., JPG, PNG), and others.

  2. Batch Import: Ability to import multiple files or entire directories simultaneously to make the process more efficient.

  3. Automatic Detection and Conversion: Automatic detection of file formats and, if necessary, conversion to an internal format of the software to enable seamless integration and editing.

  4. Metadata Extraction: Extraction of metadata such as author, date, file size, etc., from the imported documents for further processing or display.

  5. Preview and Preview Options: Providing a preview of the imported documents as well as options to customize the preview to ensure that the documents were imported correctly.

  6. Custom Settings: Ability for users to customize import settings, such as the way text should be formatted or configuring conversion options.

The function / module Import of documents belongs to:

Data import

Software solutions with function or module Import of documents:
