SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Image editor watermarking

Image editor watermarking

What is meant by Image editor watermarking?

A "Image editor watermarking" refers to a feature or tool in an image editing program that allows users to add watermarks to their images. Watermarks are graphic elements such as text or images overlaid on the main image to mark copyrights, protect brand identity, or control the use of the image. The image editor watermark allows users to create their own watermarks or use pre-made watermarks and customize them as needed, such as in terms of size, position, transparency, and text content.

Typical functions of software in the "Image editor watermarking" domain include:

  1. Adding watermarks: The software allows users to add watermarks to their images, either as text or as an image.

  2. Customization of watermarks: The software provides features for customizing various aspects of the watermark, such as size, position, orientation, transparency, and text formatting.

  3. Batch processing: The software enables users to apply watermarks to multiple images simultaneously to streamline the workflow.

  4. Watermark preview: The software offers a preview feature that allows users to preview the appearance of the watermark before saving or exporting.

  5. Watermark removal: The software may also provide a feature to remove watermarks from images if necessary.


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The function / module Image editor watermarking belongs to:

Image processing

Software solutions with function or module Image editor watermarking:

One software 4ALL data! save resources ✔ increase revenue ✔ with DAM & PIM
Centralized solution for barcode label design, printing, tracking and approval.
AdmiralCloud - Digital Asset Management
Full scope of services for optimised workflows and sensational media experiences
The FotoWare server - find, share and use images, graphics and videos more efficiently
Organize, edit and distribute digital content centrally
Digital Asset Management for Marketing Teams
InterRed: Multi Channel Publishing
eyebase mediasuite
eyebase mediasuite
Leading image and media database software solutions for SMEs & Enterprises
4ALLPORTAL - PIM Software - Product Information Management
One software 4ALL data! save resources ✔ increase revenue ✔ with PIM & DAM
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop
Create creative masterpieces like never before