SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Cut functions

Cut functions

What is meant by Cut functions?

"Crop functions" generally refer to the ability to remove or cut off parts of an object or graphic to achieve the desired result. These functions allow users to edit or adjust the content by removing unwanted parts or changing the image section.

Typical features of software in the "cutting functions" domain include:

  1. Rectangular cut: The ability to select a rectangular area and remove that area from the graphic or object.

  2. Freehand cut: The capability to mark a custom area freehand and cut or crop that area.

  3. Precise selection tools: Tools for precise selection of areas based on geometric shapes or specific pixel coordinates.

  4. Lossless cutting functions: Functions that allow removing parts of the graphic without compromising the image quality by using lossless compression or editing.

  5. Layer editing: The ability to cut or edit different layers or levels of a graphic independently to create complex compositions.

  6. Undo and redo: The capability to undo or redo cutting operations to easily correct or adjust changes.

  7. Batch processing: The ability to apply cutting operations to multiple files simultaneously to streamline workflow and save time.

The function / module Cut functions belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Cut functions:

Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software