Software >

Software functions and software modules "C"

Cable calculation

Cable plan creation

Cable route planning



CAD data

CAD geometry cleanup

CAD import

CAD interfaces

Cafeteria management


Calculation of cost prices

Calculation of planned costs

Calculation of production costs


Calendar and appointment management

Calendar functions


Calibration dates

Call agent monitor

Call button selection menus

Call center functions

call displays

Call distribution

Call forwarding

Call guide

Call history

Call limits

Call monitoring

Call recording

Call redirection

Call tracking

Caller ID logging

caller ID suppression

Caller identification

Caller profiling

CAM interfaces

CAM System

cameralistic accounting

Campaign management

Campaign Visualization


Cancellation fees

Cancellation rates

Cancellation rates


Candidate Relationship Management

Capacity calculation

Capacity evaluations

Capacity planning

CAPI - Common ISDN Application Programming Interface

CAPI - Computer Assisted Personal Interview

CAPI - Cryptographic Application Programming Interface

Capital requirements analysis

Car pooling

Carbon footprint

Card management

Care management

Care management

Care planning

Career Portal


Case Allocation

Case Creation

Case History

Case management

Case Tracking


Cash and bank books

Cash audit

Cash audit log

Cash balance

Cash book

Cash book closing

Cash box

Cash disbursement

Cash discount

Cash drawer control

Cash evaluation

Cash flow statement

Cash flow trend

Cash management

Cash register reports

Cash register software

Cashier hit list

Catalog database

Catalog exchange formats

Catalog of criteria

Catalog of topics

Catalog system



Catchment areas


Category list

Catering management

CDR Format

Center of gravity positions

Central address management

Central documentation

Certificate Assistant

Certificate Management


Certificates of achievement

Certificates of attendance


Certification system



Change article groups

Change documentation

Change management

Change orders

Change Requests

Change tracking


Changeover time

Channel Management

Character compensation and run width

Characteristics management

Charset settings

Chart of accounts

Chart of accounts



Check deposit entry

Check digit calculation

Check routines, minimum staffing

Check-in / Check-out

Check-in / check-out assistant

Checklist creation




chemical and biological drawing

chemical and thermodynamic properties

chemical management

chemical notations

Chemical process simulation

chemical structural formulas and equations

Chroma key effects

Circuit and circuit diagrams

Circuit diagram creation

Circuit diagrams and schematics

Circuits and systems

Circulation volumes

Claim management

Class diagrams

Class scheduling

classification and regression trees

Classification balance sheet

Classification of cost types

Classification standards

Classification systems

Classification, assortments

Classroom Management


Clearing account

Click and view tracking

Client management

Client management

Clinic Information System


Cloud backup

Cluster analyses


CMYK preview

CNC control

CNC integration

CNC Programming

Code analysis

Code completion

Code execution environment

Code Generation

Code hiding

Code preview

Code Review

Coding and tagging wizard


Collaboration management

Collaborative Demand Planning, SCM

Collaborative Engineering

Collaborative Planning

Collection Center Management

Collection management

Collection slips

Collective editing

Collective invoices

Colli management

Collision check

Color coding capabilities

Color editing

Color management

Color separation

Color text passages

Column sinking

Combination checks

Combination subscriptions

combinatorial problems

Comment function

commercial device data



Committee management

Committee message

Commodity futures


Communication tools

Community Management

Company audit

Company credit cards

Company database

Company pension scheme

comparative statistics


Compensator calculations

Competence and control functions

Competitive Analysis

Competitive products

Complaint Management


Completeness and data consistency

Completeness control

Compliance management

Component groups

Component management

Component monitoring


Composite barcodes

Compound and option function


Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)

Concordance search


conference call

Conference event

Configuration Management

Configuration management

Configuration Management Database (CMDB)

Configuration routine

Configuration Wizard

Conjoint analyses

Conjugate heat flow

Connection of Transport Service Providers

Connection overviews

Connectors and adapters

Consideration of priority customers

Consideration opening hours

Consignment management

Consignment stock

Consistency check



Construction acceptance protocol

Construction aids

Construction Diary

Construction scheduling

Construction site management

Construction Specification

Construction time management

Construction time planning

Construction wages

Consumption accounting

Consumption groups

Contact management

Contact persons

Contact persons

Contact planner

Contactless delivery

Container accounting

Container Management

Content and layout separation

Content creation

Content dynamics

Content overview

Content reuse

Content-Management-System (CMS)

Context examples

Contract approval workflow

Contract Assistant

Contract content entry

Contract controlling

Contract extensions

Contract file

Contract management

Contract partner management

Contract posting

Contract templates

Contract type definition

Contribution margin accounting

Contribution margin analysis

Contribution margins

Control flow diagrams

Control plan

Control Specification

Control station

Control system

Controlling functions

Convergent billing

Conversation scenarios


Converter management

Conveyor technology

Cook and Chill

Cook and Freeze

Cook and Hold

Cookie Consent

Copy protection

Core Banking

Corporate design

Corporate planning

Correcting payroll

Correction functions

Correction of payrolls

Corrective actions

Corrective and preventive actions

Correlation analyses

Correlation matrix


Correspondence manager

Cost accounting system

Cost allocation

Cost allocation

Cost allocations

Cost analysis

cost and activity accounting

cost and quantity distribution

Cost and revenue lists

Cost center allocation

Cost center and cost unit consolidation

Cost center evaluations

Cost center variances

Cost centers

Cost determination

Cost estimates

Cost estimation

Cost management

Cost of sales planning

Cost overviews

Cost recording

cost tracking

Cost types

Cost unit accounting

Cost unit management

Costing for single and serial producers

Costing templates and overhead rates

Costs and services

Count list printing

Countries and Industry Indices (BAFA)

Course booking

Course Choices

Course data import

Course dates

Course evaluations

Course favorites

Course management

Course participant and learning statistics

Course statistics

Course Tracking

Cover letter, advertising

Cover sheet function

Coverage circles


Crawling behavior

Crawling problem

Create invoices directly

Create job postings

create manual

Create waste balance sheets

Creation and deletion of documents

Creation of contract generators

Credit card import

Credit card management

Credit card payment

Credit card processing

Credit limit management

Credit notes

Credit-side incoming invoices

Creditworthiness check

Crematorium administration

critical production materials

critical products

critical suppliers


CRM customer data reconciliation

CRM interfaces

Crop, rotate and flip

Cross media publishing

Cross-Branch Item Management

Cross-Branch Keyboard Management





Cultivation plan

Currency conversion

Current carrying capacity

Current, voltage and resistance measurement

Custom branding

Customer - article income statements

Customer account overview

Customer accounts

Customer and consumer behavior

Customer and sales data analysis

Customer bonus system

Customer cards

Customer data

Customer data import

Customer display

Customer distribution

Customer evaluations

Customer experience management

Customer frontend

Customer groups

Customer history

Customer ideas

Customer information system

Customer management

Customer portal

Customer prices, sales discounts

Customer recommendations

Customer registration option

Customer related receipt

customer review

Customer selection

Customer service history

Customer statistics

Customer-specific prices and article texts

Customer-specific product assortments

Customization of data views


Customs clearance

Cut functions

Cut image management

CV parsing

Cycle counting