Calculation of production costs
Calendar and appointment management
Candidate Relationship Management
CAPI - Common ISDN Application Programming Interface
CAPI - Computer Assisted Personal Interview
CAPI - Cryptographic Application Programming Interface
Character compensation and run width
Check routines, minimum staffing
Check-in / check-out assistant
chemical and biological drawing
chemical and thermodynamic properties
chemical structural formulas and equations
Circuit diagrams and schematics
classification and regression trees
Collaborative Demand Planning, SCM
Competence and control functions
Completeness and data consistency
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)
Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
Connection of Transport Service Providers
Consideration of priority customers
Construction acceptance protocol
Content-Management-System (CMS)
Contribution margin accounting
Corrective and preventive actions
cost and quantity distribution
Cost center and cost unit consolidation
Costing for single and serial producers
Costing templates and overhead rates
Countries and Industry Indices (BAFA)
Course participant and learning statistics
Creation and deletion of documents
Creation of contract generators
CRM customer data reconciliation
Cross-Branch Keyboard Management
Current, voltage and resistance measurement
Customer - article income statements
Customer and consumer behavior
Customer and sales data analysis
Customer experience management
Customer prices, sales discounts
Customer-specific prices and article texts