SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > critical production materials

critical production materials

What is meant by critical production materials?

"Critical production materials" refer to materials or raw materials that are crucial for the production of a company and whose shortage or interruption can lead to significant production disruptions or shortages. These materials are often difficult to substitute or have a long lead time, requiring their availability to be closely monitored and managed.

Typical functions of software in the area of "critical production materials" could include:

  1. Inventory Management: The software allows for managing the inventory of critical production materials, including monitoring inventory levels, inputs and outputs, and inventory valuations.

  2. Procurement Planning: It supports planning the procurement of critical production materials by analyzing needs, lead times, and supplier availabilities.

  3. Supplier Management: The software enables the management of suppliers of critical production materials, including assessing supplier performance, negotiating contracts, and ensuring delivery reliability.

  4. Risk Management: It helps in identifying and assessing risks associated with critical production materials to take timely actions for risk mitigation.

  5. Inventory Optimization: The software supports optimizing inventory levels of critical production materials to minimize costs and avoid shortages.

  6. Delivery Tracking: It allows tracking deliveries of critical production materials to ensure they arrive on time and fulfill production schedules.

The function / module critical production materials belongs to:

Production material

Software solutions with function or module critical production materials:

Aeneis - critical and success-relevant processes and assets under control.
APS - Detailed Scheduling includes:
OTEC -- ERP / PPS Software for Surface Finishing Technologies
QSEC - GRC/ISMS, ISO 27001/BSI standard- IT protection, B3S and data protection
TaxMetall - ERP • PPS