SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Create job postings

Create job postings

What is meant by Create job postings?

Job posting creation refers to the process of publishing and distributing job openings by companies or organizations to attract potential applicants. Job postings typically include information about job descriptions, applicant requirements, working conditions, company profile, and contact details.

Typical Features of Software in "Job Posting Creation":

  1. Templates and Layouts: Provision of predefined templates and layouts for job postings to ensure a consistent and professional appearance.

  2. Text Editor and Formatting: Text editor with formatting options (e.g., bold, italic, bullet points) to edit and customize the content of the job posting.

  3. Customizable Fields: Ability to customize and add specific fields such as job responsibilities, qualifications, requirements, and salary information.

  4. Media Integration: Support for integrating media content such as images, videos, or company presentations to illustrate job requirements and company profile.

  5. Multilingual Support: Features for creating job postings in multiple languages for international applicant markets.

  6. Publication Options: Ability to publish job postings on various platforms and job boards, both internally and externally.

  7. Application Management: Integration with applicant tracking systems (ATS) to manage and track incoming job applications.

  8. Analytics and Reporting: Provision of analytics tools and reporting features to measure the success of job postings (e.g., number of views, applications per job).

  9. Compliance and Data Protection: Ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and legal requirements in the application process.

  10. Mobile Support: Ability to create and edit job postings via mobile apps or web-based platforms.


The function / module Create job postings belongs to:

Applicant management

Software solutions with function or module Create job postings:

hunter - the software solution for recruiting
rexx Enterprise Recruitment - Applicant Management Software
rexx HR - Personnel Management / Digital File
Sage HR Suite
softgarden e-recruiting - Talent Acquisition Suite