SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Crawling problem

Crawling problem

What is meant by Crawling problem?

A "crawling problem" refers to difficulties or challenges that may arise during the process of automated web page scanning by a crawler software.

Typical functions of software in the area of "crawling problem" can include:

  1. Error detection and handling: Identification of issues during the crawling process such as unreachable pages, broken links, or server errors, and appropriate handling of these problems.

  2. Robots.txt and meta-tags processing: Adherence to instructions in the robots.txt file and meta-tags on the web pages to adjust crawling behavior accordingly and avoid potential problems.

  3. Duplicate content detection: Identification of redundant content across different web pages to avoid issues with duplicate content that could affect indexing and ranking.

  4. Crawl speed control: Control of the speed at which the crawler scans the pages to avoid overloading servers and make crawling more efficient.

  5. Timeout management: Handling of timeout errors that may occur when a page takes too long to load or respond to continue crawling.

  6. Sitemap integration: Utilization of sitemaps for efficient discovery and indexing of pages to minimize crawling problems and ensure indexing completeness.

  7. Logging and reporting: Recording of crawling problems and errors, as well as generating reports, to facilitate effective troubleshooting and optimization of the crawling process.


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The function / module Crawling problem belongs to:

Web server/access