SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > cost and activity accounting

cost and activity accounting

What is meant by cost and activity accounting?

"Cost and activity accounting" is a managerial accounting tool used to capture, analyze, and control the costs and performance of a company.

Typical functions of software in the "cost and activity accounting" domain include:

  1. Cost Type Accounting: Capturing and analyzing various cost types such as material costs, labor costs, operating expenses, etc.

  2. Cost Center Accounting: Allocating the incurred costs to different cost centers or departments within the company to increase cost accountability.

  3. Cost Object Accounting: Assigning costs to individual products, services, or projects to determine the profitability of each product or service.

  4. Overhead Cost Allocation: Distributing overhead costs to cost objects using allocation methods to allocate overhead costs to individual products or services.

  5. Standard Costing: Planning and controlling costs using standard cost comparisons and variance analysis to monitor cost trends in the company.

  6. Contribution Margin Analysis: Calculating the contribution margins of products or services to determine their contribution to covering fixed costs and achieving company profits.

  7. Reporting and Analysis: Generating reports and analyses on cost structures, cost drivers, and profitability to enable informed decision-making at the management level.


The function / module cost and activity accounting belongs to:

Cost and performance accounting

Software solutions with function or module cost and activity accounting:

myPARM - Multi-project management software
TimO project management, time tracking, capacity manag. and controling