SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Correlation matrix

Correlation matrix

What is meant by Correlation matrix?

A correlation matrix is a statistical tool used to display the strength and direction of linear relationships between multiple variables. It presents correlation coefficients for all possible pairs of variables in a dataset in the form of a table or matrix.

Typical software functions in the area of "correlation matrix":

  1. Data import: Reading datasets from various sources such as CSV, Excel, or databases.
  2. Calculation: Automatic computation of correlation coefficients for all variable pairs.
  3. Visualization: Graphical representation of the correlation matrix as a heatmap or color-coded display.
  4. Filtering: Ability to show or hide specific variables or correlation values.
  5. Statistical tests: Conducting significance tests for the correlations.
  6. Export function: Saving results in various formats such as PDF, Excel, or image files.
  7. Interactive exploration: Zoom and drill-down functions for detailed examination of individual correlations.
  8. Customizable color schemes: Option to individually design the visual representation.

The function / module Correlation matrix belongs to:


Before-and-after comparisons
Classification and prediction
classification and regression trees
Container accounting
Course participant and learning statistics
Customer and sales data analysis
Customer evaluations
Econometric and statistical analyses
Linked data management
Mandate analysis
Metropolis algorithm
Network Statistics
predictions and model simulation
statistical cost planning
Utilization analysis according to loss classes

Software solutions with function or module Correlation matrix:

myPARM - Multi-project management software