SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Control flow diagrams

Control flow diagrams

What is meant by Control flow diagrams?

The term "Control Flow Diagrams" refers to a type of diagram used to visualize the logical flow and control within a program or process. Control flow diagrams (also known as flowcharts) show the sequence of operations required to achieve a specific goal or to execute a particular step in a program. These diagrams help to understand and document the structure and logic of a system by depicting control flows, conditions, loops, and decision paths.

Typical software functions in the area of "Control Flow Diagrams":

  1. Creation of Control Flow Diagrams: Assistance in drawing and creating control flow diagrams, including defining processes, decision paths, loops, and branches.
  2. Automatic Generation: Automatic creation of control flow diagrams from existing code or business processes to visualize control flows and decision logic.
  3. Integration of Conditions and Loops: Capability to insert conditions (e.g., "If-Then" decisions) and loops (e.g., "Repeat Until") into the diagram to detail the logic.
  4. Error and Consistency Checking: Checking diagrams for errors and inconsistencies, such as unreachable states or incomplete loops.
  5. Export and Import Functions: Ability to export control flow diagrams to various formats or import from other sources, such as images or documents.
  6. Collaboration and Commenting Features: Support for teamwork through shared editing and commenting on control flow diagrams.
  7. Versioning and History: Tracking changes to diagrams to save different versions and document the change history.
  8. Linkage with Code and Documentation: Integration of diagrams with source code and documentation to trace the implementation of the depicted logic.
  9. Search and Filter Functions: Ability to search and filter specific processes, conditions, or branches within the diagram.
  10. Custom Layouts and Designs: Customization of the diagram’s layout and design for better readability and understanding.


The function / module Control flow diagrams belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Control flow diagrams:

KeepTool - Tools for Oracle Databases