SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Contract type definition

Contract type definition

What is meant by Contract type definition?

The term "contract type definition" refers to the systematic classification and specification of different types of contracts within a software application. This function allows businesses to create and manage standardized contract templates that meet the specific requirements of various business relationships. By defining contract types, companies can ensure that contracts are consistently structured and formatted, increasing efficiency and legal security in contract management.

Typical software functions in the area of "contract type definition":

  1. Creation of Contract Templates: Development and management of templates for different contract types, which serve as the basis for new contracts.
  2. Categorization of Contracts: Classification of contracts into various categories, such as supply contracts, service contracts, or license agreements.
  3. Customization of Contract Parameters: The ability to set specific parameters such as durations, payment terms, and termination clauses within the defined contract types.
  4. Rule-Based Management: Implementation of rules that automatically determine which contract type should be used under specific business conditions.
  5. Legal Compliance Checks: Integration of compliance checks to ensure that the defined contract types meet legal requirements.
  6. Version Control of Contract Types: Tracking changes and updates to the defined contract types to ensure a complete history is maintained.

Examples of "Contract Type Definition":

  1. Framework Agreement: A contract type that governs long-term supply or service agreements between two parties.
  2. License Agreement: A contract type that defines and regulates the use of intellectual property, such as software or patents.
  3. Employment Contract: A contract type that sets the terms and conditions of an employee's employment.
  4. Service Contract: A contract type that defines the provision of services and the conditions under which they are delivered.
  5. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): A contract type that protects the confidentiality of information shared between the contracting parties.
  6. Supply Contract: A contract that specifies the terms for the delivery of goods or products, including quantities, prices, and delivery times.

The function / module Contract type definition belongs to:

Contract management

Software solutions with function or module Contract type definition:

:becosoft-Immo - Professional Real Estate Management
audius:Finance for financial service providers
ContractHero - Vertragsmanagement
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
EASY Contract
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software