SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Container Management
Container Management

Container Management

What is meant by Container Management?

The term "container management" refers to the systematic administration and optimization of containers used for storing and transporting goods. This includes managing containers within the warehouse as well as coordinating them during transport. The aim is to increase logistics efficiency, minimize costs, and ensure that containers meet operational requirements.

Typical software functions in the area of "container management":

  1. Container Tracking: Real-time tracking and monitoring of container locations and movements within the warehouse and during transport.
  2. Inventory Management: Management of container stocks, including monitoring availability, condition, and capacity.
  3. Maintenance Management: Monitoring and scheduling maintenance and repair of containers to extend their lifespan and minimize downtime.
  4. Returns Management: Management of the return process for empty or damaged containers, including their reuse or replacement.
  5. Barcode and RFID Integration: Use of barcode or RFID technology for automated tracking and management of containers.
  6. Reporting and Analysis: Generation of reports and analysis on container stocks, costs, and utilization to identify optimization opportunities.
  7. Integration with Warehouse and Transport Systems: Linking container management with warehouse management systems (WMS) and transport management systems (TMS) for seamless process control.
  8. User Access Management: Management of access rights and permissions for different users who can view or edit container data.
  9. Cost Control: Monitoring and controlling costs associated with containers, including acquisition, maintenance, and transport costs.


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The function / module Container Management belongs to:

Car management, fleet management

Software solutions with function or module Container Management:

The Laboratory Information and Management System - flexible, simple, customized
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The future of waste management Efficient, digital and sustainable!
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