SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Consideration opening hours

Consideration opening hours

What is meant by Consideration opening hours?

The term "consideration of opening hours" refers to the ability of software to take into account the business hours of companies, facilities, or service providers when planning and executing activities. This function is particularly important for appointment scheduling, logistics, and route optimization systems.

Typical software functions in the area of "consideration of opening hours":

  1. Time window management: Integration of opening hours into appointment scheduling and route optimization.
  2. Automatic adjustment: Dynamic adaptation of routes and appointments based on opening hours.
  3. Customer-specific time windows: Ability to store individual opening hours for different customers or locations.
  4. Holiday and break times: Consideration of holidays, company vacations, and break times in planning.
  5. Real-time updates: Updating of opening hours in real-time to respond to short-term changes.
  6. Visualization: Graphical representation of opening hours in calendars or on maps.

Examples of "consideration of opening hours":

  1. A delivery service plans routes considering the opening hours of shops and restaurants.
  2. A hairdresser's appointment booking system automatically blocks times outside salon opening hours.
  3. Logistics software optimizes delivery routes based on the receiving times of warehouses and stores.
  4. A service technician deployment planning system considers the operating times of machines to be maintained.
  5. A tour planning software for field service employees schedules customer visits within the business hours of clients.
  6. A parking space reservation system only allows bookings during the opening hours of the parking garage.

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The function / module Consideration opening hours belongs to:

Route planning