SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Competence and control functions

Competence and control functions

What is meant by Competence and control functions?

"Competence and control functions" refer to the ability of a software to perform certain tasks and monitor processes to ensure they are carried out according to defined standards and guidelines.

Typical functions in this area include:

  1. Competence functions:

    • Provision of tools and resources to facilitate specific tasks or activities.
    • Automation of processes to increase the efficiency and accuracy of workflows.
    • Provision of decision support systems to assist users in complex decision-making.
  2. Control functions:

    • Monitoring processes to ensure they comply with defined standards.
    • Implementation of security measures to control access to sensitive information and ensure data integrity.
    • Auditing and reporting on the execution of tasks to ensure transparency and traceability.

The function / module Competence and control functions belongs to:

Quality management

Software solutions with function or module Competence and control functions:

CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
EcholoN Service Management Suite
firstaudit by flowdit - Audit, Inspection & more
Improve QM-Software
iqs Quality Center - CAQ-Software
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
N5-Solutions - Analyses & Measures
Show all 31 programs with Competence and control functions