SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Community Management

Community Management

What is meant by Community Management?

"Community Management" refers to the administration and maintenance of an online community that revolves around common interests, goals, or activities. Community management involves various tasks such as moderating discussions, answering questions, encouraging interactions, and fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere within the community. The aim is to promote member engagement, strengthen the community, and facilitate harmonious interaction.

Typical functions of software in the "Community Management" area could include:

  1. User management: Managing user accounts, profiles, and permissions within the community.
  2. Discussion forums and groups: Setting up discussion forums, groups, and channels for exchanging information and organizing discussions.
  3. Moderation tools: Tools for moderating posts, comments, and content to ensure compliance with rules and policies.
  4. Notifications and messaging: Ability to notify users about important events, new posts, or messages and facilitate communication.
  5. Analysis and reporting: Features for analyzing community activities, member engagement, and other relevant metrics, as well as generating reports.
  6. Event planning: Integration of calendars and event management tools for organizing meetings, events, and virtual gatherings.
  7. Social media integration: Ability to link the community with social media platforms and increase reach and visibility.


The function / module Community Management belongs to:

Collaboration, Teamwork

Software solutions with function or module Community Management:

aktefix® digital