SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Commodity futures

Commodity futures

What is meant by Commodity futures?

"Commodity futures trading" involves financial contracts where the delivery of goods occurs at a future date at a pre-agreed price.

Typical functions of software in the "Commodity futures trading" domain include:

  1. Trade capture: Capturing orders for the purchase or sale of commodity futures contracts by traders or users.

  2. Price monitoring: Monitoring and displaying current and historical prices for various commodities that are the subject of futures contracts.

  3. Risk management: Evaluation and management of risks associated with commodity futures contracts, including market risks, credit risks, and operational risks.

  4. Contract settlement: Automation of processes for settling commodity futures contracts, including order matching, delivery allocation, and settlement.

  5. Reporting and analysis: Generating reports on trading activities, positions, profits, and losses related to commodity futures trading.

  6. Compliance monitoring: Monitoring compliance with regulations and policies related to trading commodity futures contracts, including regulatory requirements and market standards.

  7. Integration with trading platforms: Ability to integrate with electronic trading platforms or exchanges for trading commodity futures contracts.

  8. Alerts and notifications: Providing alerts and notifications to traders about important events or changes in the commodity futures market.



The function / module Commodity futures belongs to:

Financial accounting