SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Committee message

Committee message

What is meant by Committee message?

The term "scrap reporting" refers to the documentation and reporting of scrap goods or defective products that do not meet quality standards and therefore need to be sorted out from the production process. Scrap reporting aims to identify the causes of defects, initiate appropriate corrective actions, and ensure comprehensive traceability in quality management.

Typical software functions in the area of "scrap reporting":

Examples of "scrap reporting":

  1. Scrap Detected: A specific quantity of products has been classified as scrap due to quality issues.
  2. Reason for Scrap: Specification of the specific reason, e.g., production error or material defect.
  3. Scrap Analysis Conducted: A detailed analysis of scrap causes has been prepared.
  4. Action Initiated: Actions to address the causes have been implemented.
  5. Scrap Report Issued: A report on the quantity and type of scrap has been sent to management.
  6. Scrap Rate Calculated: The rate of scrap products compared to total production has been determined.



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The function / module Committee message belongs to:

Production quality

Control station

Software solutions with function or module Committee message:

PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control
OEE Analyser
OEE Analyser
Productivity analysis and performance parameters of machines