SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Code Review

Code Review

What is meant by Code Review?

"Code Review" refers to the process where software developers review code written by their peers to find bugs, improve code quality, promote best practices, and enhance code understanding. During a code review, various aspects of the code such as functionality, readability, efficiency, security, and adherence to coding standards are evaluated.

Typical features of software in the "Code Review" domain include:

  1. Source Code Display: The software allows developers to view the source code to be reviewed in a clear user interface.

  2. Commenting Features: The software provides features for adding comments and annotations directly in the code to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

  3. Diff View: The software displays differences between the existing code and proposed changes during the code review to make changes easily traceable.

  4. Rating and Approval: The software allows reviewers to rate and, if necessary, approve or reject the code to ensure only high-quality code is integrated into the project.

  5. Integration with Version Control Systems: The software is often integrated with version control systems such as Git or SVN to review code directly from the repository and track changes.

  6. Automated Code Analysis: The software provides automated code analysis tools that can identify potential errors or violations of coding standards.

  7. History and Audit Trail: The software stores the history of all code reviews conducted and allows tracking of changes as well as auditing of the review process.


The function / module Code Review belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Code Review: