SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Classification, assortments

Classification, assortments

What is meant by Classification, assortments?

The term "classification, assortments" refers to the systematic grouping of products or items into different categories or assortments to enable better organization and management. Classification involves assigning items to defined groups or classes based on common characteristics, while assortments describe a collection of items assembled for a specific purpose or market. Both concepts help maintain an overview of the product offering and improve accessibility and searchability of items.

Typical software functions in the area of "classification, assortments":

  1. Categorization: Structured division of products into main and subcategories to enable logical organization and easy finding.
  2. Assortment Creation: Assembling products into specific assortments based on criteria such as target audiences, sales regions, or seasonal considerations.
  3. Hierarchical Structure: Creation and management of hierarchies within the classification, e.g., main categories, subcategories, and product levels.
  4. Attributes and Features: Assigning specific attributes or features to classifications or assortments to highlight product differences and specifics.
  5. Search and Filter Options: Providing search and filter functionalities to quickly find products within classifications and assortments.
  6. Data Maintenance: Regular updating and adjustment of classifications and assortments to reflect changes in product offerings or market conditions.


The function / module Classification, assortments belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Classification, assortments:

4ALLPORTAL - PIM Software - Product Information Management
Redaktionssystem TIM