SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Circulation volumes
Circulation volumes

Circulation volumes

What is meant by Circulation volumes?

The term "circulation volumes" refers to the number of copies produced of a print medium, such as newspapers, magazines, or books. The circulation volume is a crucial factor for publishers and printers as it directly impacts production costs, distribution, and potential revenue. Accurate determination and monitoring of circulation volumes are essential to optimally meet demand while minimizing costs.

Typical software functions in the area of "circulation volumes":

  1. Demand Analysis: Market and demand analysis to determine the optimal circulation volume for different issues.
  2. Circulation Simulation: Simulation of various scenarios to set the ideal circulation volume, considering sales forecasts and costs.
  3. Automatic Adjustment: Dynamic adjustment of circulation volumes based on real-time data such as sales figures or stock levels.
  4. Reporting: Creation of reports to analyze sold and produced circulation volumes in comparison to forecasted quantities.
  5. Integration with Distribution Systems: Linking circulation volumes with distribution systems to ensure smooth distribution and reordering.
  6. Inventory Management: Monitoring and managing leftover stock to avoid overproduction and unnecessary storage costs.

Examples of "circulation volumes":

  1. Daily Newspaper: A daily newspaper sets its circulation volume based on sales from the previous week and special events.
  2. Special Edition: A magazine increases its circulation volume for a special edition that is expected to have high sales due to an exclusive interview.
  3. Reduced Print Run: A publisher reduces the circulation volume of a book that has seen a decline in demand after the first edition.
  4. Regional Adjustment: A magazine adjusts its circulation volume in different regions based on local sales figures.
  5. Leftover Stock Sale: A publisher plans a special sales campaign to reduce the leftover stock of an old edition.


The function / module Circulation volumes belongs to:

Methods / Optimizations


Software solutions with function or module Circulation volumes:

knk Subscription Management Module