SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Circuits and systems

Circuits and systems

What is meant by Circuits and systems?

The term "circuits and systems" refers to the electrical circuit and the interconnected components that work together to transfer and use electrical energy. A circuit typically consists of electrical conductors, resistors, capacitors, inductors, and other elements arranged in a specific layout. Systems can include multiple circuits that fulfill complex functions or tasks, such as control systems, communication systems, or power distribution systems.

Typical software functions in the area of "circuits and systems":

  1. Schematic Design: Creation and editing of schematics that represent the connections and components of a circuit or system.
  2. Simulation Tools: Performing simulations to analyze the electrical properties and behaviors of circuits and systems under various conditions.
  3. Fault Diagnosis: Detection and analysis of faults or issues in circuits and systems to identify causes and develop solutions.
  4. Optimization: Improving the performance of circuits and systems through adjustments and optimizations in design and components.
  5. Component Database: Management and access to a library of components and their electrical properties and specifications.
  6. Wiring and Layout Design: Design of the physical layout of circuits on printed circuit boards (PCBs) or in other electronic devices.
  7. Design Rule Checking: Verification that the design of circuits and systems complies with predefined rules and standards.
  8. Documentation and Reporting: Creation of documentation and reports on circuits and systems for internal and external purposes.
  9. Interactive Visualization: Display and interaction with circuit designs in 3D or other visual formats for better analysis and verification.


The function / module Circuits and systems belongs to:


2D and 3D construction
bolted joints
CAM System
Column sinking
Component groups
Conjugate heat flow
Detection of curvatures
Effect avoidance
frequency response
heat transfer
Interaction with beams
linear buckling
linear statics
Mapped mesher
Partial construction
Partial dismantling
Partial strands
point, line and area loads
Reuse of constructions
Section creation
Shell thickener
Stability failure
static fatigue
Subgrade reaction modulus method
surface contact
Technical documents, standards
Temperature loads
Tetrahedral refiner
Vibration shapes
Zone management

Software solutions with function or module Circuits and systems:

Engineering Base
ALPI Caneco Implantation