SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > chemical and thermodynamic properties

chemical and thermodynamic properties

What is meant by chemical and thermodynamic properties?

The term "representation of chemical and thermodynamic properties" refers to the capture, display, and analysis of physical-chemical properties of substances. This includes values such as melting points, Gibbs free energies, and pKa values, which are crucial for understanding chemical reactivity, stability, and solubility of compounds. These properties are essential for experimental planning, process simulation, and the development of new materials.

Typical software functions in the area of "Representation of Chemical and Thermodynamic Properties":

  1. Database Integration: Access to extensive databases with chemical and thermodynamic properties of compounds, including melting points, Gibbs free energies, pKa values, etc.
  2. Data Visualization: Representation of properties in the form of charts, tables, or graphs to facilitate data interpretation.
  3. Property Calculations: Calculation of chemical and thermodynamic properties based on experimental data or theoretical models.
  4. Comparative Analysis: Comparison of properties of different compounds to identify similarities, differences, or trends.
  5. Modeling and Simulation: Use of models to predict properties and behavior of compounds under various conditions.
  6. Data Export and Import: Capability to export and import data in various formats for reporting or further analysis.
  7. Documentation: Creation of detailed reports and records on the represented and calculated properties.
  8. Search and Filter Functions: Tools for targeted search and filtering of compounds based on specific properties or criteria.
  9. Integration with Other Modules: Linking with other software modules, such as chemical databases or simulation tools, for comprehensive analysis.


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The function / module chemical and thermodynamic properties belongs to:

Scientific calculation methods

Software solutions with function or module chemical and thermodynamic properties:

Calculation and optimization for control, piping and process engineering
Software for calculating heat flows, thermal bridges, isotherms and Uf-values
GFOS.Smart Manufacturing
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software
Calculation tool for planning and commissioning in the field of plant engineering
Siemens Simcenter STAR CCM+
CFD software, software for numerical fluid flow simulation with CHT, FEM, EMAG