SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Channel Management

Channel Management

What is meant by Channel Management?

"Channel Management" refers to the management and optimization of various distribution channels that a company uses to market its products or services. This includes coordinating and controlling physical retail outlets, online marketplaces, e-commerce platforms, social media, and other channels to ensure consistent brand presence and achieve sales and profitability goals.

Typical features of software in the "Channel Management" domain include:



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The function / module Channel Management belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Channel Management:

InterRed: Multi Channel Publishing
Marketing Resource Management Software für Multi Channel Aktivitäten
One software 4ALL data! save resources ✔ increase revenue ✔ with DAM & PIM
Digital assistants and process solutions for retailers and suppliers
CAS genesisWorld
CAS genesisWorld
The flexible, complete CRM system for all areas of your company
HOPE - HOtel and PEnsion Manager, the hotel software
Professional hotel software with web interface as FREE, EASY, STANDARD, PRO version
HS/3 Hotelsoftware
HS/3 Hotelsoftware
HS/3 hotel software - always a perfect fit!
Cloud-based customer relationship management / CRM