SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Change documentation

Change documentation

What is meant by Change documentation?

"Change Documentation" refers to the function of software that allows systematic recording, tracking, and documenting of all changes made to data or documents. This functionality is particularly important for tracking changes in projects, files, or other information to ensure transparency, traceability, and compliance.

Typical Functions of Software in "Change Documentation":

  1. Versioning: Automatic or manual versioning of files or documents to track changes over time.

  2. Revision History: Display of a history of all changes made, including date, time, and user who made the changes.

  3. Commenting Features: Ability for users to add comments or descriptions to changes to explain the context.

  4. Notifications: Automatic notifications of changes made to relevant documents or data.

  5. Audit Trail: Logging of all changes with detailed information such as username, timestamp, and type of change.

  6. Access Control: Management of access permissions to ensure only authorized users can make changes.

  7. Search and Filter Functions: Quick search and filtering capabilities to find specific changes or versions.

  8. Export and Reporting Functions: Ability to generate change reports and export change history to various formats.

  9. Integration: Integration with other systems or tools for seamless management and tracking of changes.


The function / module Change documentation belongs to:

Reports, logs and documentation

Application observations
automatic analysis report
Central documentation
Document Sharing
Form entries
Fuel log
IT documentation and IT visualization
Management reports
Master data catalogs
Network Statistics
Phone cost estimation
Phone number protocols
Position and distribution lists
Recording reasons
Sample assessments
Soundproofing certificate
System changes
Thermal insulation certificate

Financial accounting


Change management
Code Generation
Configuration routine
Data management
Development environment
Exception and error handling
Function tree
Global Variables
Implementation support
Logging and recovery
Low-Code Development Platform
Macros and configuration files
rules cleanup
Runtime versions
Software design
UI customization

Software solutions with function or module Change documentation:

4ALLPORTAL - PIM Software - Product Information Management
aktefix® digital
Corporate Planner
Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
Instandhaltungssoftware CMMS
myPARM - Multi-project management software
rexx HR - Personnel Management / Digital File
Show all 25 programs with Change documentation