SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Certificate Assistant

Certificate Assistant

What is meant by Certificate Assistant?

The term “certificate assistant” refers to software solutions that help companies to efficiently create, manage and digitize certificates for employees or students. A certificate assistant helps to automate the certificate creation process to ensure that all the necessary information is recorded correctly and on time. These systems contribute to the standardization and quality assurance of certificates and facilitate the documentation of performance.

Typical software functions in the “Certificate Wizard” area:



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The function / module Certificate Assistant belongs to:

Certificates, appraisals

Software solutions with function or module Certificate Assistant:

rexx Enterprise Recruitment - Applicant Management Software
Process Optimization Applicant Management / eRecruiting & Job Board / Recruitment
Personnel Management / Digital Personnel File
Standard business software
rexx HR - 360°-Feedback
360° Feedback software for effective talent management
Sage HR Suite
Personnel software from Sage - lead your employees with success