SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Cataloging


What is meant by Cataloging?

The term "Cataloging" refers to the process of systematically capturing, organizing, and managing objects, products, or information in a catalog. The goal of cataloging is to create a structured and easily accessible overview that simplifies the retrieval, management, and access of information. Cataloging is used in various fields, such as libraries, e-commerce, or inventory management.

Typical software functions in the area of "Cataloging":

  1. Data Entry: Recording object data, such as product descriptions, prices, technical specifications, or bibliographic data.
  2. Metadata Management: Managing and maintaining metadata to improve the discoverability and classification of objects.
  3. Categorization and Classification: Dividing objects into categories and classes for better structuring and navigation.
  4. Search and Filter Functions: Providing search and filter options to quickly locate specific objects.
  5. Version Control: Tracking and managing changes to catalog entries across different versions.
  6. Linking and Cross-Referencing: Connecting catalog entries to show relationships and associations between objects.
  7. User Access Control: Managing access rights to control who can view, edit, or approve catalog data.
  8. Automated Updates: Regular updates of catalog data through import or synchronization with external data sources.
  9. Reporting: Generating reports and statistics to analyze catalog content and usage.

Examples of "Cataloging":

  1. E-commerce Product Catalog: A structured collection of product data with descriptions, prices, and availability.
  2. Library Catalog: A directory of books, journals, and other media available for loan.
  3. Asset Management Catalog: Recording and managing company resources, such as machinery or software licenses.
  4. IT Data Catalog: Collection and organization of data sources and datasets for data governance and analytics purposes.
  5. Media Catalog: Management of image, audio, and video files in a media library for easy search and usage.


The function / module Cataloging belongs to:

Cross Media Publishing (CMP)

Software solutions with function or module Cataloging:

4ALLPORTAL - PIM Software - Product Information Management
4ALLPORTAL- DAM Software - Digital Asset Management
Redaktionssystem TIM
Perpustakaan - library software