SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Catalog of topics

Catalog of topics

What is meant by Catalog of topics?

The term "topic catalogue" refers to a structured collection of topics or categories used for organizing content, discussions, or projects. Topic catalogues are commonly used in areas like knowledge management, education, or project planning to systematically organize and manage information. They help break down complex content into manageable areas and present them in an organized manner.

Typical software functions in the area of "topic catalogue":

  1. Topic Organization: Management and structuring of topics in a hierarchical or categorized manner.
  2. Tagging: Adding tags or keywords to topics to improve findability and establish connections between content.
  3. Topic Search: A search feature that allows users to quickly locate specific topics within the catalogue.
  4. Topic Linking: Linking topics with other content, projects, or documents to illustrate thematic connections.
  5. Topic Prioritization: Function to rate or prioritize topics based on relevance or timeliness.
  6. Notifications: Automated notifications when new topics are created or existing topics are updated.
  7. Access Rights: Management of access rights to control who can create, edit, or view topics.
  8. Report Generation: Creation of reports on the status and usage of topics within the catalogue.

Examples of "topic catalogue":

  1. Knowledge Base: A topic catalogue to structure knowledge within a company, e.g., in departments like IT, HR, or marketing.
  2. Project Management: Cataloging topics within a project to clearly define tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities.
  3. Educational Platform: Topic catalogue for structuring course content in a learning environment, e.g., by modules or lessons.
  4. Product Development: Topic catalogue for organizing various aspects of a development process, such as research, prototyping, and launch.
  5. Support Documentation: Catalogue for managing help topics or FAQs for customers or internal users.


The function / module Catalog of topics belongs to:
