SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Case History

Case History

What is meant by Case History?

"Case History" refers to the complete chronology of all events, actions, and communications related to a specific case, request, or ticket. It provides a detailed overview of all steps taken to handle a case, from the initial report to the final resolution. Case history is essential for traceability, analysis, and improvement of processing procedures.

Typical software functions in the area of "Case History":

  1. Event Logging:

    • Detailed recording of all events and activities related to a case, such as status changes, processing steps, and user actions.
  2. Communication History:

    • Capture of all communication within the case, including emails, notes, and comments from team members and customers.
  3. Status Tracking:

    • Display of the case status evolution over time, including all transitions between different status stages (e.g., "New", "In Progress", "Closed").
  4. Document Management:

    • Management and storage of all relevant documents created or added during the case, such as reports, contracts, or technical specifications.
  5. Time Tracking:

    • Recording the time spent on various activities within a case to assess efficiency and optimize resource usage.
  6. Search and Filter Functions:

    • Options for quickly searching and filtering entries within the case history to find specific information.
  7. Reporting and Analysis:

    • Generation of reports based on case history for analyzing trends, performance metrics, and potential areas for improvement.


The function / module Case History belongs to:

Healthcare and medicine

Software solutions with function or module Case History: