SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > cameralistic accounting

cameralistic accounting

What is meant by cameralistic accounting?

Cameralistic accounting is a bookkeeping system primarily used in the public sector and in administrations. Unlike double-entry bookkeeping (Doppik), cameralistic accounting focuses on recording and controlling cash inflows and outflows as well as budget monitoring. The goal is to ensure transparency in the use and approval of funds and to ensure compliance with the budget plan.

Typical features of software in the area of cameralistic accounting include:

  1. Recording of Inflows and Outflows: Detailed recording and management of all revenues and expenditures.
  2. Budget Monitoring: Support for planning, monitoring, and controlling the budget to ensure that expenditures do not exceed approved funds.
  3. Fund Management: Management of fund allocation and usage within various budget items.
  4. Reporting: Creation of reports on budget execution and fund usage for internal and external purposes.
  5. Receivables and Payables Management: Management of receivables and payables within the framework of the budget plan.
  6. Cash Management: Support for managing cash balances and daily cash operations.
  7. Account Management: Management of budget accounts to track revenues and expenditures.
  8. Budget Planning: Support for the creation and adjustment of budget plans.
  9. Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with other administrative systems and ERP modules.
  10. Compliance: Ensuring compliance with legal regulations and budgetary guidelines.


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The function / module cameralistic accounting belongs to:

Public budget