SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > CAD geometry cleanup

CAD geometry cleanup

What is meant by CAD geometry cleanup?

The "cleaning of CAD geometry" refers to the process of optimizing and correcting 3D models created in a CAD environment. Typically, this involves removing unwanted features or defects that may have occurred during the modeling process to improve the quality and integrity of the geometry.

Typical functions of software in the field of "CAD geometry cleaning" include:

  1. Removing Duplicates: Identifying and removing duplicate geometry objects or elements to eliminate redundancies and reduce file size.

  2. Smoothing Surfaces: Smoothing surfaces or curves to achieve uniform aesthetics and correct potential errors such as irregularities or overlaps.

  3. Closing Gaps: Identifying and closing open or incomplete geometry objects to ensure a closed and connected geometry.

  4. Repairing Geometry Defects: Detecting and repairing defects such as missing or misaligned surfaces, messy edges, or non-connected elements.

  5. Reducing Polygon Count: Decreasing the number of polygons or triangles in a model to optimize file size and improve performance during rendering or transmission.

  6. Geometry Validation: Checking the geometry for compliance with design standards and guidelines as well as suitability for further processing in other CAD programs or systems.

The function / module CAD geometry cleanup belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module CAD geometry cleanup:

Hexagon - CADWorx Bundle (CADWorx Plant, P&ID and Design Review)
HiCAD - the powerful 3D CAD system
Siemens Simcenter STAR CCM+
Simcenter 3D for electromagentic simulation and e-Machine Design
simus classmate Software Suite - data at its best
WSCAD ELECTRIX - the E-CAD software
Simcenter FLOEFD