SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Blank printout

Blank printout

What is meant by Blank printout?

The term "blanket printout" refers to the printing of preprinted forms or templates that are created in advance with predetermined layouts and structures to accommodate specific data or information. These forms are often used for consistent and clear documentation and presentation of information, whether in administration, finance, or other areas where standardized forms are needed.

Typical software functions in the area of "blanket printout":

  1. Template Creation: Design and customization of form templates, including text fields, checkboxes, and drop-down menus.
  2. Data Integration: Inserting data from various sources (e.g., databases, CSV files) into the preprinted forms.
  3. Print Preparation: Optimizing and formatting the forms for printing, including page layout and print preview.
  4. User Management: Controlling access rights and permissions for the creation and editing of forms.
  5. Automated Printing: Batch printing of forms based on defined rules or schedules.
  6. Storage and Archiving: Managing and storing filled forms for future reference or audits.
  7. Electronic Signatures: Integrating functions for digitally signing the forms.

Examples of "blanket printoutg":

  1. Invoice Templates: Standardized forms for creating invoices with all necessary fields for amounts, taxes, and payment information.
  2. Order Forms: Templates for recording and confirming orders with fields for item numbers, quantities, and delivery addresses.
  3. Delivery Notes: Forms for documenting delivered goods with details about the sender, recipient, and delivery date.
  4. Reporting Forms: Templates for recording and reporting incidents or changes, such as address changes.
  5. Application Forms: Forms for applying for permits, benefits, or memberships with fields for personal and relevant information.


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The function / module Blank printout belongs to:

Lists, reports