32bit support
64bit support
Background music
Background screening
Backorder lists
Backup scheduling
Backup verification
Baking sheet
Balance carried forward
Balance sheet
Balance sheet analysis
Ballast table
Banquet Event
Barcode generation
Barcode height
Barcode printing
Barcode recognition
Barcode scaling
Barcode scanner
Barcode size
Barcode, RFID
Barcodes series
Bare Metal Restore
Barrier function
Bars (margins)
Base maps
Basel II and III
Basic copy templates
Basic determination
Basic price function
Batch interfaces
Batch management
Batch processing
Batch size 1
Batch tracing
Bayesian analysis
Bed management
Before-and-after comparisons
behavioral analysis
Berth management
Best before date
Bid management
Bidder number assignment
big data
Big Data Analytics
Bill of material archive
Bill of material explosion
Bill of material items
Bill of material processing
Biometric signature
BITV 2.0 - EN 301 549 - compliant
Blacklist / Whitelist
Blank printout
Blended learning platform
Block and value allocation
Block storage management
Blocking of individual time models
Blue folder
BMP Format
bolted joints
bonded warehouse
Book value changes
Book values and reconciliation accounts
Booking absenteeism
Booking archiving
Booking request
Booking segments
Booking templates
Booking Tool
Bootstrap method
Bot management
bottleneck detection
BPEL interface
BPMN 2.0
BPMN 2.0 interface
BPMN 2.0 workflows
Branch accounting
Branch-Specific Reporting
Break detection
Break times
Break-even analyses
Broker portal
Browser Extensions
Budget control
Budget information
Budget management
Budget monitoring lists
budget planning
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Building planning
building technology
Bundle print jobs
Business Charts
Business Data Catalog (BDC)
Business distribution plan
Business function diagrams
Business hours feature
Business Impact Analysis
Business Intelligence (BI)
Business process modeling
Business process simulation
Business Processes
Business trips and customer visits
Business valuation
BxA matrix