SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Blacklist / Whitelist

Blacklist / Whitelist

What is meant by Blacklist / Whitelist?

In the field of IT security, "Blacklist / Whitelist" refers to mechanisms for controlling access to resources or executing certain actions based on predefined lists.

Typical functions of software in the "Blacklist / Whitelist" domain include:

  1. Blacklist:

    • Prohibits access to certain resources, programs, or services considered unsafe or unwanted.
    • Blocks access to known malicious websites, IP addresses, or files.
    • Prevents the execution of files identified as malicious.
  2. Whitelist:

    • Allows access only to pre-approved resources, programs, or services.
    • Permits access to known secure websites, IP addresses, or files.
    • Enables the execution of files identified as safe.

These mechanisms aim to enhance system security by restricting access to potentially dangerous or unwanted content.

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The function / module Blacklist / Whitelist belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Blacklist / Whitelist:

Sending large files - exchanging e-mails securely
Automatic voice-assisted telephone reception with call forwarding
Professional email marketing and newsletter software
Systems for time recording, personnel management & access control
prime WebTime and prime WebAccess
Time recording and access control for 5-5000 employees