SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Ballast table

Ballast table

What is meant by Ballast table?

The term "ballast table" refers to a table or chart used for managing and planning the ballasting of ships. Ballasting is the process of adding or removing weight (ballast) to bring a ship to the correct equilibrium state, ensuring stability and safety at sea. A ballast table contains data on the position and weight of the ballast distributed at various points on the ship, as well as instructions for adjusting the ballast under different conditions.

Typical software functions in the area of "ballast table":

  1. Ballast Calculation: Calculating the required ballast amount and distribution based on factors such as weight, cargo, and ship position.
  2. Data Management: Storing and managing ballast data, including weight, volume, and position of the ballast.
  3. Planning Tools: Tools for creating and adjusting ballasting plans based on current conditions and requirements.
  4. Simulation: Simulating ballast changes to predict their impact on the ship's stability and behavior.
  5. Reporting: Generating reports and charts on current ballasting and its effects on the ship.
  6. Alert and Warning System: Automated notifications for critical ballasting conditions or deviations from intended parameters.
  7. Integration with Other Systems: Linking with other ship management and navigation systems for comprehensive monitoring and control of ballasting.
  8. User Management: Managing user rights and access to the ballast table to ensure that only authorized personnel can make changes.
  9. History and Logging: Recording and managing changes in ballasting for tracking and analyzing historical data.


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The function / module Ballast table belongs to:

Port management