Software > Organizations and Institutions > Universities & Colleges Management

Universities Management Software, Colleges Management Software

The software for colleges and universities includes solutions for event planning, resource planning, and managing courses and seminars. It can also be used to manage shared sports facilities. The administration of students, study programs, courses and exams can usually be mapped by the software for universities. The software for academies and educational institutions can also include house management.

Are you looking for a suitable universities / colleges management software?
show 1 to 12 (of 12 software programs)
Software for the organization of seminars & events
Software for the organization of seminars & events Organizers of seminars, training courses and events manage complex planning processes on a daily basis. This is often made more difficult by confusing workflows and the use of various programs and documents, where it is easy to lose track of everything. With the web-based seminar management software SimplyOrg, you can automate previous manual management processes and thus save a lot of time, improve the quality of your events and increase participant satisfaction. The central software solution can be quickly set up and conveniently connected to e.g. SAP, Sage or accounting systems via versatile interfaces.
caLa vCE
Administration software for school networks
The virtual campus environment solution CaLa vCE includes a new graphical user interface with which all didactic functions required by a pedagogical network can be implemented. Comprehensive courses, projects or lectures can be created and maintained. Services such as printing, Internet, drives and USB ports can be blocked or released. Applications or file packages can be made available to individuals or groups. A secure environment for conducting examinations is also available.
New generation course management, seminar management and event management
New generation course management, seminar management and event management The web-based and modular course administration software welante supports you optimally in event and education administration by digital and automated processes. From 800 field-tested tools, you choose the ones you want to use specifically for efficient course and semester planning, room planning, participant and instructor administration. This makes all tasks from planning to accounting and evaluation much easier.
Simulink models run on ADwin hardware with ADsim
Simulink models run on ADwin hardware with ADsim With the ADsim blockset, you can easily run Simulink® models on ADwin hardware systems in real time. Typical ADwin & ADsim applications include test benches and data acquisition, customized machine automation, dynamic component testing, end-of-line (EOL) testing, hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), residual bus simulation and more.
Digital employees for authorities and administrations
Digital employees for authorities and administrations The PUBLIC ASSISTANT supports authorities and public administration in the digitization of processes and the implementation of OAA services.
Automate data capture intelligently | No more data typing!
Automate data capture intelligently | No more data typing! Applications, forms, surveys & empirical studies - TeleForm offers the combination of the highest possible recognition quality and error-free data capture. Capture your documents securely, highly efficiently and automatically. The data processed by TeleForn can be easily transferred to downstream statistical evaluation tools/archiving systems.
eLearning course software and learning platform
eLearning course software and learning platform teachNOW! is a parameterizable eLearning course tool and learning platform (CBT, WBT), which offers you the highest flexibility with high performance. Whether for educational institutes, schools or universities or for companies for customer or employee training, the LMS is ideally suited for all types of courses and training. The platform offers limitless design possibilities while focusing on ease of use and a secure database concept.
Lending system and library software
Lending system and library software Libreja is a fast and constantly available online library software that only requires an internet connection. Your media collection is stored on the server. You can access your collection with your browser via an internet connection. All processes such as lending, returning, etc. can be done quickly and conveniently in your browser. offers the option of entering data using a barcode scanner.
edoobox - Online booking system
The efficient booking system to advertise your lectures / courses / events
The efficient booking system to advertise your lectures / courses / events edoobox is a powerful and extremely user-friendly online booking system. Universities, schools and academies can easily and simply organise seminars and courses using edoobox. This tool can be used to manage participants, organise speakers and rooms.
James- the library butler®
Book management for companies, libraries, universities, municipalities and: private indivi
Book management for companies, libraries, universities, municipalities and: private indivi James - the Library Butler® offers, among other things, a searchable online catalog and all essential functionalities for managing book collections in various university and college libraries. Whether you have a lending library or a reference library - with James - the library butler® you can master all requirements very quickly.
Alarm system / alarm software for universities, colleges and academies
Alarm system / alarm software for universities, colleges and academies In universities, colleges, IHKs and HWKs, the great potential for danger, which often comes from the students themselves and can end in tragedy, is demonstrated time and again. The stationary and mobile alarm software GisboAlarm provides teachers and students with a constant companion for their safety.
Perpustakaan - library software
For school library, learning resource management, public library, and law office.
For school library, learning resource management, public library, and law office. MÜLLER UND STEIN software offers the solidly built library software Perpustakaan Software for Windows and Linux computers, the ideal software for users looking for functionality, clarity and high usability. Perpustakaan is increasingly used professionally in public libraries, school libraries, institute libraries and other companies. It contains all the functions for reader management, lending, renewal and withdrawal, cataloging and catalog export.
show 1 to 12 (of 12 software programs)

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