In the context of standard and system software, the heading "Analysis software, technical software" forms the generic term for technical-scientific cross-industry applications for data analysis or data management, such as analysis software for Big Data, data mining or statistics. The mass data generated, for example, by the use of loyalty cards, electronic communication, smartwatches, etc., or global navigation systems, are evaluated by means of corresponding analysis software.
Technical software or technical programs are used in the fields of electrical engineering, measurement technology, simulation, but also pipeline planning or spatial planning. Whereby, for example, measurement technology software not only records the measurements, but can also take over the evaluation and technical analysis. Technical planning software usually includes 2D and 3D display options. There are also special subcategories of the same name for the respective specialist areas, in which the software solutions are described.
In this section you will find a market overview of software solutions for Big Data analysis tools. Big Data software includes visual management tools as well as static analysis tools.
Marketing departments, banks etc. can find here data mining tools, text mining and web mining software.
Listed here is software for electrical engineering, solutions for calculations, measuring device and tool management .
This section includes an up-to-date market overview of Finite Element Method - FEM software and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software.
The current market overview shows interior design software and programs for room planning and kitchen planning.
Interior Design, Kitchen Design
Diese Rubrik umfasst Lösungen zur Bewertung von Messunsicherheiten, Druckstoßberechnung weiterer Messtechniken sowie z.B. Zeit-Synchronisation.
In this section, utilities and plant engineers will find software solutions for pipeline calculation, planning and pipeline construction.
The simulation software listed here enables the simulation of processes, 2D and 3D models, flows and much more.
Statisticians will find software solutions for the analysis of large amounts of data, e.g. from surveys or for the creation of forecasts.
Here we present further technical standard and calculation software such as solutions for the calculation of thermal transmittance.
Technical Software (Miscellaneous)