Software > Healthcare, social work and Medicine > Social Institutions

Software for Social Institutions / Facilities

Current market overview of software for social institutions and publicly funded health and care organizations, social pedagogues, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, Caritas, etc. The software usually includes solutions for catering management for social institutions and supports e.g. driving services such as ambulance services, scheduled driving services, meal services but also e.g. home emergency call systems. Software for social institutions often also includes client management, appointment management and options for billing and evaluation of services.

Are you looking for a suitable software for social institutions?
show 1 to 2 (of 2 software programs)
Silent alarm for social institutions
Silent alarm for social institutions Assaults in workplaces with public traffic are unfortunately on the increase and are rarely clearly foreseeable. The risk of threat is inherent in contact with people with a potential for aggression, alcohol or drug addiction. A multi-level alarm system such as GisboAlarm can strengthen your employees' sense of security and provide support and assistance from colleagues or security officers in the event of a threat by triggering a silent alarm.
Ordering meals directly from the patient's room
Ordering meals directly from the patients room With the NEXUS / FOODCARE solution, food can be ordered directly from the room. Individual preferences or dislikes can be taken into account as well as the time and place of serving. NEXUS / FOODCARE presents all ingredients of food and meals transparently and complies with EU Regulation No. 1169/2011. NEXUS / FOODCARE only automatically offers patients / users the menus suitable for them.
show 1 to 2 (of 2 software programs)

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